Your Very Next Step newsletter for April 2011
By Ned Lundquist
“Every spring is the only spring – a perpetual astonishment.”
– Ellis Peters
“I like digital cameras, because they enable you to reminisce immediately.”
– Demetri Martin
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
– Lao Tzu
“Your Very Next Step” newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.
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*** In this issue:
*** Travel news
*** Packing lighter:
*** What are your favorite local alcoholic favorites?
*** Cherry Blossom time in Japan
*** Another sport Ned has never heard of
*** A little touchy
*** The World’s Best Ethical Destinations – 2011
*** Very cool bald eagle nest with chicks – live cam in Virginia!
*** The Meanest Airlines in America
*** Trail volunteer opportunities:
Jedediah Smith Wilderness, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, ID
*** Rail Trail of the Month – Montana's Kim Williams Nature Trail
*** Travel/Adventure/Outdoors/Conservation employment opportunities:
1.) Mpandrindra ny Fampandrosoana ny Fiompiana vokatra andranomasina, Madakasikara
2.) Communications Director, Western Rivers Conservancy, Portland, OR
3.) Project Leader, Mountain Gorilla Conservation Project, Virunga National Park, Frankfurt Zoological Society, DR Congo
5.) Intern – Corporate Communications, Vail Resorts, Broomfield, CO
6.) Resort Guide-Westin Ka'anapali Ocean Resort Villas, Ka'anapali, Maui, HI
7.) Crew, Operations Admin (Full-time/ Part-time), Maritime Experiential Museum, Resorts World at Sentosa, Singapore
8.) Summer School counselor, The International Summer School of Scotland, St Andrews, Scotland
9.) Activities Manager, Bimini Bay Resort and Marina, Rock Resorts International LLC, Alice Town, Bimini Island
10.) Educator Guide – Zoo, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
11.) Editor, Online Communications, National Parks Conservation Associations, Washington, DC
12.) Colorado River Senior Campaign Manager, National Parks Conservation Association, Office location flexible
…and much more…and it’s all FREE!!!
*** Do you have a travel adventure to share?
Send me your stories and I’ll post in the “Your Very Next Step” and on the YVNS website (
*** Here’s the YVNS Travel News for March:
*** Packing lighter:
How do I pare down my toiletries?
*** What are your favorite local alcoholic favorites?
The world is full of surprises. Share some of your drink-discoveries that are specifically local to a certain country or region.
We all know about Tequila in Mexico, Sake in Japan, and Ouzo in Greece. But what are some of the other exotic or little-known beverages. Share them with Ned at and we’ll all get a taste in the next issue of Your Very Next Step.
Here’s Kris Gallagher’s favorite:
Gammel Dansk in Denmark! Lovely to sip, especially with herring for breakfast. My cousins Finn and Kurt tried to put my brother Mark and I under the table with Gammel Dansk one night, but we fought back with tequila. We all lost. ;-D The name means “Old Danish” and you can find out more here:
Kris Gallagher, ABC
*** Cherry Blossom time in Japan
Flying in and out of Narita when enroute to and returning from Singapore, I did not see any evidence of the quake or tsunami. The airport seemed empty. The planes not full. I would guess not everyone wants to go to Japan right now. As a sign or Japan’s return to normalcy, the runway was lined with blooming cherry blossoms.
*** Another sport Ned has never heard of:
Human Curling
*** or this sport, for that matter:
Bikini Bowling.
*** A little touchy:
United’s 777s from Tokyo to CONUS have just a few movies you can watch for freem, with the full entertainment package available for $10. The seatback monitor has a touch screen that is way too touchy. Try to select “map” (if you want to know how cold it is outside, for example), the cursor stops at “volume,” and you have to hit “back,” then try again. I spent way too much time trying to select something and having something else get selected instead. I wanted to smack the seat, except some body was sitting in it.
*** The World’s Best Ethical Destinations – 2011
Want your travels to have a positive impact? Find out how you can support countries working to maintain strong environmental, human rights, and eco-tourism values by “voting with your travel budget.” Our “Developing World's Best Ethical Destinations” reports help you choose countries you can feel great about visiting.
*** From Larry Bearfield:
Very cool bald eagle nest with chicks – live cam in Virginia!
Penguin enthusiasts can watch penguins play whenever they want with SeaWorld’s Penguin Cam, a daily live video feed of the flightless birds’ adventures inside SeaWorld’s Penguin Encounter. Penguin fans can watch the penguins as they waddle, swim, eat and play in their 25-degree habitat. The Penguin Cam can be found by visiting clicking the “Stay Connected” column at the bottom of the page and then “Fun Zone.” Select the Penguin Cam link and enjoy! (For a direct link, click here or visit Note that some browsers do not support streaming JPEG images. For more information, call (800) 25-SHAMU or visit
*** The Meanest Airlines in America
Last year was a good one for the airline industry, with U.S. airlines churning out the highest profits in more than a decade. With the exception of American Airlines, every major carrier turned in positive profits for the year.
In the 2011 Airline Quality Rating (AQR) report released on April 4, quality is up as well.
But that doesn't mean airlines deserve high-fives all around. Soaring baggage fees, widespread airfare increases and the elimination of free food on many flights were major factors in improving the bottom line. Not surprisingly, customers were not happy in 2010. According to a Business Insider study conducted last November, which uses data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index, four of the major U.S. carriers made its list of the “18 Worst Companies in America.” The year also saw PR nightmares for the industry, including discrimination against disabled and overweight passengers and the episode involving a JetBlue flight attendant (the now famous Steven Slater) hitting his breaking point. 2011 has already seen a pilot misplace his handgun and a flight attendant put a baby in an overhead bin — hardly a good way to start the year.
*** Trail volunteer opportunities:
Guide to Volunteering Outdoors in Parks and Wilderness Areas
Love being outside? There are a variety of volunteering opportunities for those who love the outdoors. Most of these opportunities require the volunteer to pay for all travel costs. Some require the volunteer to hike and camp as well. Please read the volunteer requirements of each opportunity carefully before signing up to help.
Also check with state parks, and local advocacy groups like the Sierra Club or trail volunteers (like the Maine Appalachian Trail Club), for information about outdoor volunteering in your area, or in an area you plan on visiting.
Wilderness Volunteers
An organization promoting volunteer service to America's wild lands. Matches volunteers with work projects for public land agencies like the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Fish and Wildlife. The web site includes a trip list, ranging from moderate car camping to strenuous backpacking. All trips are led by volunteer leaders in cooperation with land agency representatives. Trips are one week long and are limited to 12 or fewer participants. Participants provide their own camping gear (a list specific to each trip will be mailed with registration confirmation), a sense of adventure, and a willingness to contribute time and energy to worthwhile projects.
Volunteers in the U.S. National Forests
Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Forest Service. Talents and skills are matched with work preference to obtain a role that satisfies you and best fulfills the mission of the Forest Service/USDA. You may work on a part-time or full-time basis. You can participate in a one-time project or serve over several months, seasons or year- round. Training may be provided to you if your job requires it. If you are retired or have summers free, you may wish to live on a national forest while you work as a volunteer. College students may perform volunteer service related to their course work for college credit. There are also numerous opportunities to perform vigorous but satisfying physical labor outdoors.
Specialized programs include:
◦Touch America Project (TAP), a special youth volunteer program managed through the Forest Service, where young people ages 14-17 may work with and learn more about America's natural resources. The theme “Touch America” refers to volunteer projects on public lands developed cooperatively with private organizations, groups or individuals.
◦The Council on International Educational Exchange, which recruits volunteers from around the world to join projects hosted by various National Forests. Volunteers come prepared to work 30-35 hours a week on a in exchange for room,board and the opportunity to learn about the host community.
◦Passport in Time (PIT), a volunteer program that provides opportunities for individuals and families to work with professional archaeologists and historians on historic preservation projects.
Volunteers for Peace
A non-profit organization, part of the U.S. Forest Service, offers over 1200 short-term voluntary service projects in 70 countries. These International Workcamps are an opportunity to complete meaningful community service while living and interacting in an international environment. Typical work projects with the Forest Service include: – historic preservation – archeology – environmental projects such as trail building – environmental education – wildlife surveying – campground maintenance.
National Park Service
◦Volunteers in Parks
Volunteers for the National Park Service come from every state and nearly every country in the world to help preserve and protect America's natural and cultural heritage for the enjoyment of this and future generations. Young and old alike, give of their time and expertise to assist paid staff in achieving our national mission. This site has a good Volunteering Opportunities section as well as a fine section designed for Volunteer Management.
◦The Youth Conservation Corps (YCC)
YCC is a summer employment program for young men and women, ages 15-18, who work, learn, and earn together on projects that further the development and conservation of the natural resources of the United States. The National Park Service (NPS) operates YCC programs throughout the country. Conservation work may involve constructing trails, campground facilities and fences, planting trees, collecting litter, clearing streams, improving wildlife habitat, providing information to visitors, and general maintenance activities. An understanding of our environment and the management of our natural resources is incorporated into the work program.
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Our country's federally owned public lands are owned by every American, giving each of us a shared interest in their care and in their future. Nearly half of these lands- 264 million acres- are managed by the US Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM), making the BLM manager of the nation's largest land trust. That's a big responsibility! Fortunately, help is close at hand. Each year, over 20,000 Americans volunteer their time and talent. Working alone or with a group, BLM volunteers enjoy work that matches their interests and schedules. Some volunteers serve part-time and others enjoy a seasonal or full-time position The important thing to remember is that even a few hours a month can make a big difference.
Landmark Volunteers
A nonprofit summer service organization for high school students 14 and a half years of age or older, entering 10th, 11th or 12th grade. The program offers these youth volunteers the opportunity to spend two weeks working at one of several important U.S. historical, cultural, environmental or social service institutions. “In return for giving two weeks of your summer, lending a hand at one of these institutions, assisting them in their work or keeping up their facility, you'll receive an exceptional learning opportunity and a chance to understand how voluntary service functions as an essential element of the American experience. And you'll have fun!”
U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Volunteers develop a greater understanding and appreciation of refuges, hatcheries and other areas through their hands-on experiences. Working side-by-side with Service employees, volunteers help protect, conserve and restore our nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitat. There is an excellent Volunteer Opportunities Search Form to search for available volunteer opportunities.
US Geological Survey
Serves the Nation by providing reliable scientific information to describe and understand the Earth; minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters; manage water, biological, energy, and mineral resources; and enhance and protect our quality of life. Use the Regional Map to locate volunteering opportunities near you. Submit the application electronically and a host for each volunteer opportunity you selected will contact you.
State Conservation Corps
Many states have conservation corps, following in the footsteps of the federal Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s. These groups have the dual missions of the development of youth and the protection and enhancement of each state's natural resources. Volunteers receive a very low stipend… and a worthwhile experience they will never forget.
The California Conservation Corps, or CCC, is the oldest and largest conservation corps now in operation. Along with its day-to-day conservation work, the CCC has become known as one of California's premier emergency response forces. When floods, fires, oil spills or earthquakes occur, the Corps can provide assistance within hours. The program has a distinctive motto: “hard work, low pay, miserable conditions … and more!” Despite the truth-in-advertising, more than 70,000 young men and women have participated in the CCC since its inception.
There are also conservation corps in:
◦New Jersey
Contact your local state volunteerism commission to find out if your state has a Conservation Corps program.
From RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service
Jedediah Smith Wilderness, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, ID
Aug 21st – Aug 27th 2011
The Jedediah Smith Wilderness is part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and home to a variety of wildlife including black and grizzly bear, big horn sheep, wolverine, moose and elk. The Jedediah Smith Wilderness lies on both sides of the Idaho/Wyoming state line including most of the west slope of the famous Teton Range. The classic view of the Tetons is from the east — from Jackson Hole — where the peaks rise 5000 to 7500 feet with no intervening foothills. The west slope of the Tetons is quite different; the magnificent range rises gradually with valleys and ridges forming heavily forested slopes. The wilderness is not very deep, but it is long — almost the entire length of the west slope of the Teton Range.
Our service project is trail reconstruction and rerouting of the North Teton Trail leading to Table Mountain, a broad open summit with extraordinary views of the entire Teton Range. The old trail needs rerouting to avoid two creek crossings. The area is in a picturesque high alpine setting and it offers perfect opportunity for a hike to the top of Table Mountain on our day off. While the project site is only a three mile backpack in, the work and the trip will be quite strenuous.
*** National Rail-Trail of the month:
Trail of the Month: April 2011
Montana's Kim Williams Nature Trail
A fly fisherman casts into the shallows of the Clark Fork River as a tangle of tubers whisks along in the main current. On the riverbanks, a high school cross-country team beats out a run as the sun cranes higher over the Bitterroot Mountains. You're in western Montana, and Missoula is rippling with activity. And you can reel in everything—from the splash of the riverside to the cool shadows of Mount Sentinel—on the 4.2-mile Kim Williams Nature Trail.
Missoula is renowned for its walkability. You can pick up a bike lane, sidewalk or trail from nearly any intersection in the city of 60,000. Yet since pathways crisscross Missoula like plaid on a shirt, it can be hard to know where one trail ends and another begins. What you need is a visual anchor to help orient yourself. Around here, that anchor is 5,200-foot Mount Sentinel.
From nearly every point in the city, you can spot the concrete “M” on the west face of Mount Sentinel. The mountain rises sharply at attention, stark and treeless where it faces the sun; the “M” stands out like a cattle brand. Switchback your way up the short but steep “M-Trail” to climb more than 600 feet: You won't get a better view of Missoula than when you rest your tuckered legs on that “M,” the valley unfolding below you like a picnic blanket.
Looking down, against the mountainside are Grizzly Stadium and the University of Montana. Just north of the stadium, curled between the campus and the Clark Fork River, is a narrow corridor that winds out of sight behind Mount Sentinel to the east.
What you're surveying is hallowed ground in railroad history. This corridor has a proud pedigree as part of the Milwaukee Road, which once stretched all the way from the Great Lakes to Puget Sound. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad began construction of the line in 1906, with the extension from the West Coast completed at Gold Creek, Mont., in 1909. (Later, the line became part of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad.) Because the Milwaukee Road had to cover rugged mountain passes, where winter temperatures dipped into the extreme negatives, more than 656 miles of the line used electric rather than steam locomotives. Today, the Kim Williams Nature Trail retraces 4.2 miles of this historical route through the heart of Missoula.
To pick up the pathway, you'll head just west of North Hickory Street to a small rotary of three paved trails. To the south, you could cruise out of town on the Bitterroot Branch Trail, which follows an active rail line toward Lolo. To the north and west, you could head off on short segments of the paved Riverfront Trail. It's not an entirely fluid system, and construction along some sections has created a gap or two—which leads to the issue of signage.
But for its mileposts, the Kim Williams Nature Trail is not clearly marked or differentiated from these other routes. Yet once you've located the rotary at Mile 0, you can continue east uninterrupted for the duration.
As you begin on the Kim Williams, you'll dip through a short railroad underpass and then a blink of a tunnel. North of you, if you spot the lights, is the stadium for the Ospreys of Minor League Baseball; they're a farm league team for the Arizona Diamondbacks.
The trail soon buddies up to the riverbanks and heads into Toole Park's emerald fields. Later in the summer, you'll pass high school football teams hustling through preseason drills, and beach towels will quilt the riverbanks with sunbathers. (Highs in the 80s are common in August, even with overnight lows that can dip into the 40s.)
Ahead on your right is Grizzly Stadium, and just before it is a relic of the old Milwaukee Road: a restored railroad signal post. These signals were electronically connected to circuits in the railroad tracks, called blocks, located at regular intervals of two miles. Used like modern traffic lights, the signals announced whether a block was clear of
Once past the stadium, you enter the Kim Williams Nature Area. Here, the paved trail transitions into a bumpier gravel for the final 2.5 miles. You're sandwiched between the sheer wall of Mount Sentinel and the drop-off to the Clark Fork, the largest river in Montana. This is suddenly much wilder country, home to a few mountain lions, and
it offers a fitting tribute to the trail's namesake.
Kim Williams was a naturalist and writer who lived in Missoula in her later years. She had a local radio show about simple living, wrote a column on wildflowers and plants for the Missoulian newspaper, and she was a long-time contributor on NPR's All Things Considered program until shortly before her death in 1986. Today, Kim Williams Fellowships are awarded to graduate journalism students at the University of Montana who are interested in environmental reporting.
As you leave the city behind, a Missoula-based Montana Rail Link train chugs along—across the water and parallel to Interstate 90—on tracks originally built by the Northern Pacific Railway. The rail line eventually bridges the river diagonally and heads off the Kim Williams Nature Trail. An undeveloped dirt path continues ahead precariously close to the railbed, but trespassing along this route is prohibited. A road block is your cue to head back to town.
As sunset burns an orange halo over the western rim of the Bitterroot Mountains, Lolo Peak, at 9,139 feet, casts a hulking, hazy silhouette to the south. And as darkness falls, you'll find yourself already dreaming of sunrise and the start of a new day in Missoula's outdoors playhouse.
*** Travel/Adventure/Outdoors/Conservation employment opportunities:
1.) Mpandrindra ny Fampandrosoana ny Fiompiana vokatra andranomasina, Madakasikara
Andraikitra Taorian’ny fanorenana an’ny Tambazotran’I Velondriake, toerana an-dranomasina arovana dia 25 no isan’ny tanàna mirotsaka amin’ny fitantanana ny harena an-dranomasina ary mihoatra ny 70 isan-jato ny mponina mivelona amin’ny fanjonoana eny an-toerana. Tsapa fa ilaina any amin’iny faritra iny ny famoronana asa fivelomana hafa mba hampihena ny tsindry mitambesatra amin’ny ny harena voajanahary indrindra fa ny vokatra an-dranomasina satria efa miha-mihena hatrany izy ireny, asa mitarika hoamin’ny fampandrosoana any an-toerana izany.
Tamin’ny volana janoary 2007 no nanao sonia ny fiaraha-miasa amin’ny Blue Ventures, Ny Copefrito ary ny Kompania Aqualab ny fikambanam-behivavy any amin’ny faritra Andavadoaka, hanatanterahana ny tetikasa iray dia ny fiompiana sy ny famatsiana concombre de mer an’ny Copefrito.
Ny andraikitra sahanin’ny Mpandrindra ny fampandrosoana ny fiompiana an-dranomasina dia ny fiaraha-miasa amin’ny mpiasan’ny Blue Ventures eny an-toerana sy ireo kompania mpanondrana vokatra an-dranomasina toy ny Copefrito, ny mponina ao Velondriake ary ireo komity mpandrindra. Ny tanjona dia ny hampiely sy hampitombo ny fiompiana an-dranomasina tantanan’ny mponina.
Ny mpandrindra ny fampandrosoana ny fiompiana an-dranomasina no tompon’andraikitra ny fitantanana sy ny fampandrosoana an’izany fiompiana an-dranomasina izany. Ny fanapariahana ny fiompiana concombre de mer amin’ny faritra hafa, izay ao anatin’ny tambazotran’ny toerana voaaro any Velondriaka dia ny mba hiheverana ny fananterahana izany fiompiana izany eo amin’ny lafiny ekonomika ary mba ho asa hahasolo tsara ny fanjonoana.
Ny karama dia mifanaraka amin’ny fahaiza-manao sy ny traikefa hanan’ny mpifaninana voaray.
Ny toetra takiana amin’ny mpifaninana dia : fahaizana ny asa, faharisiana, fahaizana mifandray amin’olona, fahavitrihana ary fananana fahalalana sy fahaizana momba ny fomba fiarovana tantanan’ny mponina ary traikefa momba ny fampiharana ny fiarovana tontolo iainana sy/na traikefa fampiharana ny fampandrosoana eny ambanivohitra;
Ny takiana amin’ny mpifaninana dia :
1.Fari-pahaizana “maîtrise” amin’ny Fanabeazana, Siansa ara-Tsosialy, Fiarovana ny tontolo iainana, jeografia, na Siansa momba ny Tontolo Iainana
2.Fahaiza-manao/traikefa amin’ny fitantanana tetikasa sy fampianarana
3.Fahaiza-miserasera tsara na an-tsoratra na am-bava amin’ny fiteny frantsay sy fiteny Angilisy (takiana) ary fiteny Malagasy (ilaina)
4.Fahafantarana ny kolontsaina sy fahaizana fomba fiteny vezo (tsara raha hananana)
5.Traikefa amin’ny fiarovana ny harena misy amorontsiraka amin’ny faritra tropikaly
6.Fahaizana solosaina sy ny teknolojia ara-pifandraisana
7.Fahaizana mitantana fotoana sy mandamina asa
8.Fahaizana miasa samirery sy miaraka amin’ny ekipa
9.Fanana traikefa amin’ny fahaiza-mitarika
Ireo olona manam-paniriana hifaninana amin’izany asa izany dia iangaviana handefa CV sy taratasy milaza ny faniriany hanao ilay asa miaraka amin’ny laharan-tarobia sy adiresy azo ifandraisana aminy ary miaraka amin’ny anarana sy adiresin’olona roa (reference) ao amin’ny:
2.) Communications Director, Western Rivers Conservancy, Portland, OR
Western Rivers Conservancy protects outstanding river ecosystems in the western United States through land acquisition. We acquire land along river corridors to conserve critical habitat, provide public access for compatible use and enjoyment, and cooperate with other agencies and organizations to secure the health of whole ecosystems.
The Communications Director is responsible for the development and implementation of WRC's overall communications and visibility strategy. The position promotes the visibility of WRC's mission, program work and accomplishments, and is responsible for all aspects of communications projects from conception and design through delivery. Specific job duties include:
* Publications: Manage production and distribution of annual report, newsletters, brochures and other outreach materials; write and edit stories and copy; design graphics, project maps and publications in-house, often on short timelines; produce project-specific briefing materials.
* Marketing and visibility: Prepare and implement annual visibility and advertising strategies; identify new outreach opportunities and optimize messaging to target audiences; track and report on success of visibility efforts toward programmatic and fundraising goals.
* Website and online presence: Update website to include new engaging content, news items, announcements and relevant publications; build visibility for WRC online using the full range of internet tools including search engine optimization, social media and video; use web statistics and other metrics to track the effectiveness of web outreach efforts.
* Media Relations: Lead media relations efforts; produce press releases and serve as media liaison; build relationships with journalists and public relations partners; maintain press clippings and media contact database; track and report earned media results.
* At least five years experience in a related position
* Strong communication skills including a talent for writing and editing
* Experience with graphic design and desktop publishing software
* Initiative and ability to work independently in a small office setting
* Fluency in website management and internet communications tools
* A degree in communications, marketing or a related field is preferred
* A love of rivers is essential
Salary of $60,000 – $80,000 commensurate with experience. Western Rivers Conservancy offers a generous benefits package.
Western Rivers Conservancy is an equal opportunity employer. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply.
Application Guidelines/Contact:
Please email a cover letter and resume to
Applications may also be mailed to:
Hiring Committee
Western Rivers Conservancy
71 SW Oak St, Suite 100,
Portland, OR 97204
Salary: $60,000 – $80,000 plus a generous benefits package
Application URL:
3.) Project Leader, Mountain Gorilla Conservation Project, Virunga National Park, Frankfurt Zoological Society, DR Congo
The Frankfurt Zoological Society stands for a world in which biodiversity values are recognised and maintained, in order to ensure a high quality of life for current and future generations. Within this context, our mission is to protect the natural diversity of species in important ecosystems across the globe – in partnership with and for people.
The Africa Programme is the Society’s largest and oldest. The Programme works in seven African focal countries: Tanzania, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Zambia. FZS’ first overseas conservation activities were launched in Tanzania more than half a century ago. Tanzania remains the major focus of our conservation efforts, with the flagship being the Serengeti ecosystem, in which the FZS Africa Regional Office is situated. For more information on the Society, please visit our website at
FZS has supported biodiversity conservation in the Virunga National Park since the 1950s and for several years between 1960 and 1980 provided the only source of salaries to the park staff in order to help maintain morale and commitment to protect the park’s threatened wildlife. In 1983, the society supported the very first habituation of mountain gorillas for tourism in order that they could generate revenue to support the park and local communities living close to the park’s boundary.
Frankfurt Zoological Society has recently been awarded a 2.4 million dollar grant by the World Bank to support mountain gorilla conservation and the local communities over the next three years. Our work will continue to focus on providing support to the rangers (training, equipment, rations etc), but will also include the construction of both park and social infrastructure including ranger accommodation, schools, health centres, and water catchment systems. The project will also contribute to improving the livelihoods of the local communities including a community of Batwa Pygmies, and has already provided them with their own land in a ground-breaking initiative within this region. Efforts to help reduce human-animal conflict are also a key part of the project and a new project to build a solar powered electric fence around the gorilla sector to keep gorillas and elephants from crop raiding will soon be launched. In addition to the World Bank funded project, the FZS Chimpanzee habituation project in Tongo has been working to re-open Chimp tourism in collaboration with the park authorities, while providing capacity-building and training to the local communities.
The job
FZS is now recruiting a Project Leader to provide management and technical support for our wide range of conservation activities in the Virunga National Park, where you will be responsible for all aspects of project management work, from the design stage through to implementation, monitoring & evaluation. Under the supervision of the DRC Programme Manager, you will support the implementation of the Society’s Virunga National Park Gorilla Conservation Project including:
•Designing, launching and managing FZS activities within the Virunga National Park;
•Project development, reporting and management for third party donors such as the World Bank;
• Managing field staff to ensure that project objectives are achieved in a timely fashion;
•Representing the FZS Virunga Project within the FZS network as well as externally to government departments, donors, partner organisations and the general public.
The position will be based at Rumangabo with occasional visits to Kinshasa, ARO (Serengeti, Tanzania) and Europe.
The successful candidate is likely to match the following profile:
Essential attributes
•At least three years practical work experience in conservation and/or natural resources management in Africa, preferably in DRC or the Great Lakes Region;
•Previous experience with project design, management and reporting;
•Strong accounting and financial management skills and previous experience in using accounting software;
•Experience in administration and human resources;
•Outstanding communication skills in written and spoken English and French;
•Postgraduate training to MSc level in an appropriate field;
•Demonstrable commitment, patience, enthusiasm, initiative, and a strong work ethic and problem-solving abilities;
•Good negotiation and leadership skills, coupled with a strong vision and enthusiasm for working in a small, dynamic and practical team;
• A self-starter with excellent organisational skills;
•Capability of working under pressure and in politically unstable/conflict environments.
Preferred attributes
•Experience in protected area support
•Experience in working in conflict areas
•Communication and presentational skills
•Community Conservation experience
• A good sense of humour
Benefits will include:
•Basic housing in Rumangabo, Virunga National Park
•International medical insurance, including emergency evacuation cover
•6 weeks of holidays per year
•Air travel from home base – DRC at start and end of the contract.
A contract of two years will be offered, subject to a rigorous six-month probation period. Living conditions at Rumangabo are simple and there are minimal social services and opportunities (medical facilities, schooling etc.), but these can be found an hour away in Goma, the capital of the North Kivu province. This is not a recommended family-duty station.
All applications should include a letter of interest in English stating your availability, an up-to-date CV, and the names and addresses of three referees.
The letter of interest should include answers to the following questions:
1.What led you to apply for this position?
2.What is the single most important technical ability that you would bring to this job?
3.What motivates you to apply for a job in such a challenging environment?
4.What are your three most important personal characteristics that will help you succeed in this job?
Candidates should send this information to the following mail address: – closing date is 1700 GMT 25th April 2011.
Only candidates selected will be contacted.
5.) Intern – Corporate Communications, Vail Resorts, Broomfield, CO
This Intern Program will consist of doing the day-to-day job of a college graduate, all while giving you additional opportunities to enhance your experience. There will be numerous opportunities to participate in luncheon events led by senior management, intern networking activities (such as bowling, baseball game and a day trip to the mountains). In addition, each intern will do a presentation to members of the Executive Committee at the end of their internship.
Working with the Vail Resorts Corporate Communications team will offer extensive breadth of real-world experience and provide a great start to a career in Public Relations. The candidate will learn and put to use many different PR program elements from media relations to research and writing. This hands-on position gives candidates first-hand experience in travel/hospitality public relations working side by side with a team of some of the most talented PR pros in Colorado.
The intern will be responsible for the following:
Corporate PR
• Create, update and manage media lists and editorial calendars
• Coordinate media itineraries
• Update website content
• Assist with drafting press materials such as news releases, media alerts and pitches
• Assist with special event planning
• Media monitoring, analysis and research
• Help with social media initiatives
Internal Employee Communications
• Assist with drafting and releasing a weekly newsletter announcing news, initiatives and announcements
• Assist with writing employee emails, FAQs, talking points, etc.
• Research employee communications trends
• Assist with development of videos and presentations
• Help with social media initiatives
•Must be a current student (Undergraduate or Graduate Program)
•Preferred major- Communications, Public Relations
•Strong verbal and written communication skills – Required
•Ability to work independently – Required
•Experience editing documents for public release – Required
•Experience working with computers to edit, tag and publish information – Required
•Research experience – Required
•Two writing samples – Required (Please attach to your application profile)
•Previous experience working in a PR department – Preferred
6.) Resort Guide-Westin Ka'anapali Ocean Resort Villas, Ka'anapali, Maui, HI
The purpose of the Resort Guide position is to present and involve our guest in the opportunity to become an owner of the finest vacation experience.
• Prepares each day to meet guests as a professional sales representative through proper dress and grooming.
• Adheres to standard work hours
• Greets each guest in a warm and friendly manner as specified during initial meeting.
• Uses approved presentation and support materials effectively and exclusively.
• Achieves individual established performance guidelines within established time frames. Contributes to achieving overall site VPG, closing percentage at budget levels, as set by management.
• Provides customer service to guest as specified in training and direction of management.
• Maintains the highest level of company/competition product knowledge by attending all required training sessions.
• Adheres to all established policies and procedures, and position requirements for licensures, certifications, etc.
• Effectively gains commitment from guest to purchase.
• Completes demo and assessment rides on a regular basis with team leaders & sales managers. For the purpose of providing effective coaching and motivation to improve. Models and reinforces effective sales and customer service practices, behaviors and results.
• Participates in staff meeting and attends other meetings, such as seminars and training as required.
Sales Ability/Persuasiveness – Using appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods to gain acceptance of a product, service, or idea from customers.
Work Standards – Setting high standards of performance for self; assuming responsibility and accountability for successfully completing assignments.. Demonstrates accuracy and thoroughness; Looks for ways to improve and promote quality; Applies feedback to improve performance; Monitors own work to ensure quality; Prioritizes and plans work activities; Uses time efficiently; Sets goals and objectives.
Building Customer Loyalty – Effectively meeting customer needs; building productive customer relationships; taking responsibility for customer satisfaction and loyalty; Meets commitments.
Teamwork/Collaboration – Actively participating as a member of a team to move the team toward the completion of goals; Shares expertise with others; Exhibits objectivity and openness to others' views; Gives and welcomes feedback; Contributes to building a positive team spirit; Supports everyone's efforts to succeed; Listens to others without interrupting; Keeps emotions under control; and Remains open to others' ideas.
Lead by Example – Foster a common vision; lead others by setting the proper example; demonstrate consistency between actions and words.
Motivate & Inspire Others – Encourage and empower the success of others; create enthusiasm, investment, and a desire to excel; gain support and commitment from others; promote a healthy life balance.
Building Relationships – Build positive and productive working relationships with customers, subordinates, peers, superiors, business partners, and the community; encourage this behavior in others.
Develop & Retain Talent – Coach and develop others; communicate views about performance honestly and directly, while consistently recognizing and rewarding good performance.
Judgement/Decision Making – Identifying and understanding issues; problems, and opportunities; using effective approaches for choosing a course of action or developing appropriate solutions; taking action that is consistent with available facts, constraints, and probable consequences.
Adaptability – Maintaining effectiveness when experiencing major changes in work tasks or the work environment; adjusting effectively to work within new work structures, processes, requirements, or cultures; Changes approach or method to best fit the situation.
Ethics and Integrity – Maintaining and promoting social , ethical, and organizational norms in conducting internal and external business activities; Treats people with respect; Keeps commitments; Inspires the trust of others; Works with integrity and ethically; Upholds organizational values.
Continuous Learning – Actively identifying new areas for learning; regularly creating and taking advantage of learning opportunities; using newly gained knowledge and skill on the job and learning through their application. Assesses own strengths and weaknesses; Pursues training and development opportunities; Strives to continuously build knowledge and skills
Stress Tolerance – Maintaining stable performance under pressure; handling stress in a manner that is acceptable to others and to the organization.
Optimism – Consistently taking ownership of and a positive and confident approach to goals and tasks at hand; Sets and achieves challenging goals; Demonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles; Measures self against standard of excellence.
Oral Communication/Written Communication- Listens and gets clarification; Responds well to questions; Participates in meetings; Able to read and interpret written information.
Diversity – Shows respect and sensitivity for cultural differences; Promotes a harassment-free environment.
Professionalism – Approaches others in a tactful manner; Reacts well under pressure; Treats others with respect and consideration regardless of their status or position; Accepts responsibility for own actions; Follows through on commitments.
Safety and Security – Observes safety and security procedures; Reports potentially unsafe conditions ; Uses equipment and materials properly.
Attendance/Punctuality – Is consistently at work and on time; Arrives at meetings and appointments on time.
Licensing and Certification – Willingness to successfully attain valid Hawaii Real Estate License prior to start.
Processing of paperwork requires visual observations.
Verbal communication is necessary for negotiating plans for projects.
It is anticipated that this position will require a comprehensive work effort working a regular schedule usually including weekends. Occasionally six or seven day work schedule will be required.
SVO is an Equal Opportunity Employer that supports a drug-free work environment. Drug screening required.
7.) Crew, Operations Admin (Full-time/ Part-time), Maritime Experiential Museum, Resorts World at Sentosa, Singapore
Resorts World at Sentosa, Singapore’s largest integrated resort, is looking for talents like you.Here’s an open invitation for you to apply for a job at our four luxurious hotels, grand casino, Universal Studios Singapore® family theme park and the Resorts World corporate office.
Who we’re looking for?
If you’re a fresh school leaver, mid-career professional looking for an exciting new career, about to complete your full-time National Service in Singapore or retiree, Resorts World may have the job you want.
Mothers who want to return to the work force are welcome too.
If you are excited about working in the IR in Sentosa;
If you agree that good customer service matters;
If you enjoy working flexible hours;
We want you!
– Receive and dispatch calls on ride & safety issues on a timely basis
– Monitor progress of technical maintenance work orders for various departments
– Manage data and prepare confidential reports
– Handle and track various key and equipment issues
– Minimum Diploma in any discipline
– 1 -2 years relevant experience OR persons with highest standards of customer service &
passion to serve guests
– Able to communicate effectively in English & a second language
– Willing to work in the evenings, weekends, public holidays
8.) Summer School counselor, The International Summer School of Scotland, St Andrews, Scotland
9.) Activities Manager, Bimini Bay Resort and Marina, Rock Resorts International LLC, Alice Town, Bimini Island
Experience of a Lifetime. More than just our mission, these words describe our unique and iconic resorts and the people who share a desire to achieve and experience excellence. One of our core values is providing an exceptional experience to our guests and to our employees. An opportunity to work at RockResorts/Vail Resorts Hospitality (“RR/VRH”) is an opportunity to bring out your full passion for everything our company stands for, including our commitment to our product, the communities we live in, the environment and our shareholders. Our employees are good at what they do, and we welcome people who bring enthusiasm and pride to work.
We are hiring an Activities Manager for Bimini Bay Resort and Marina who will create an Experience of a Lifetime for our guests and employees. Responsible for the Resort Activities operation including but not limited to: developing and implementing resort activities and programs, drive revenue by enhancing our marketing ability with activities and programs, partner with outside vendors, work with Events Manager in creating special programs, and assist in developing themes for Food & Beverage. Responsible for employee activities. Hire, train, supervise, and develop staff. This department currently does not exist so this job involves creating a department from the ground up. Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
•Develop and implement all guest-related resort activities and programs including but not limited to non-motorized and motorized water sports, music and entertainment, beach volleyball, sunset cruises, bonfires and BBQs, fishing and snorkeling excursions, tennis programs, tours, and kids activities.
•Develop and implement employee activities.
•Oversee the fitness center and develop programming for fitness, yoga and wellness activites
•Partner with outside vendors and set up contracts. Develop commission structures and agreements.
•Responsible for departmental budget and forecasting.
•Participate and assist with developing themes for Food & Beverage.
•Work closely with Events Manager to create special activities or programs as needed including sailing regattas, fishing tournaments, boat races.
•Oversee the lifeguards, towel attendants, and spa therapist.
•Continuously think of ways to drive revenue through activities and programs.
•Support destination creation by participating in local community development initiatives.
•Responsible for developing team and training staff members to include those without any previous experience.
•Responsible for updates to activities software and updating specific social media websites on behalf of the resort.
•Create and implement standard operating procedures for the department.
•Adhere to all RockResorts and Bimini Bay policies and standards.
•Additional duties as assigned.
•High School Diploma required, College Degree preferred
•Minimum 2 years experience in Activity or Event Planning required
•Previous resort operations experience preferred
•Minimum 1 years supervisory or management experience
•Creative, ability to think outside the box
•Self motivated, proactive, team-orientated
•Ability to live on an isolated island and work with a diverse group of people.
•Ability to deal with extreme heat and humidity
•Ability to effectively interact with high level business and government partners.
*** From Mark Sofman:
10.) Educator Guide – Zoo, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
11.) Editor, Online Communications, National Parks Conservation Associations, Washington, DC
Primary Purpose of the Position:
The National Parks Conservation Associations plays a crucial role in ensuring that our magnificent national parks are protected in perpetuity: Working with NPCA’s online communications team you will play a critical role in our advocacy, education, and protection work by developing and implementing all aspects of NPCA’s digital communication. The Editor, Online Communications will identify and develop content to communicate and enhance NPCA’s online presence, enhance engagement with NPCA’s target audiences, and build online awareness of NPCA’s work and mission. Working through our digital channels, including our website, social media, e-mail, and mobile app channels, the editor will position NPCA as the thought leader on national park issues and encourage national park enthusiasts and champions to support NPCA’s work by joining NPCA’s online communities, supporting NPCA’s policy positions and legislative initiatives, and becoming members of the association. While digital experience is preferred, editorial experience and the ability to find and develop compelling and engaging stories and to work collaboratively are critical to success in this position. This position is located in the Communications department and reports to the Senior Director of Online Communications.
Essential Functions: % of Time
Research, write, edit, and proofread content and assign content to staff and freelance writers including content for, a monthly e-newsletter, blogs, and social media to create timely, engaging content that is sharable and likable. 20%
Work collaboratively with Communications staff and Digital Outreach and Media teams to devise and launch a new, “must read” series of digital communications to include a completely revamped, e-newsletters, emails, blogs, and social media posts targeted to engage different audiences ranging from general park enthusiasts to congressional champions. 15%
Identify and work with NPCA’s internal experts and regional staff to create blog entries and online articles and posts related to their areas of expertise. 10%
Work with staff, graphic designers, and other online vendors, to ensure consistent branding and messaging across all electronic platforms. 10%
Ensure NPCA printed products; media campaigns, organizational initiatives, and programmatic efforts are fully integrated into all NPCA online activities. 10%
Work with NPCA’s staff and Digital Outreach and Media teams to identify and fully leverage social networking opportunities including providing content for related posts and tweets and identify key opportunities to reach out to online constituents. 10%
Contribute to and help implement a strategy for search engine optimization, particularly as it relates to relevant keyword content and traffic, to increase web traffic and increase readership. Assess results and continue changes for improvements. 10%
Liaise with Web Manager on back-end and technical aspects of website and special projects. 5%
Manage a comprehensive online communications calendar to maintain consistent communications. 5%
Other duties as assigned. 5%
Total 100%
Other:Respect employees regardless of their position or background. Participates in developing department goals, objectives, and systems. Participates in administrative staff meetings, organization-wide meetings, staff committee meetings, training programs, and attends other meetings and seminars as designated by the supervisor. Assists in evaluation of reports, decisions, and results of department in relation to established goals. This job description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the employee in this position.
Minimum Work Schedule: (Days and Hours) 9:00 to 5:00, Monday-Friday with a flexible schedule possible. Occasional weekends and evenings are possible. Occasional travel will be required for staff trainings, NPCA staff, retreats, and conferences. .
Minimum Scope of Position: Interacts with internal NPCA staff contacts and external contacts with a wide variety of people and interests, via phone, email, and in person.
Minimum Qualifications, Competencies, Skills, Education, and Traits:
•5 -7 years writing and editorial experience required, with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in online and digital communications, including experience with new media such as email, blogging, and/or social media formats.
•Experience using a content management system preferred.
•B.S. /B.A. in communications, journalism, or English or related fields or equivalent work experience preferred.
•Excellent communication skills, both written and oral.
•Outstanding writing.
•Strong editorial skills with fluent English.
•Knowledge of web publishing preferred (HTML, CSS, etc.).
•Proven ability to meet deadlines.
•Demonstrated ability to learn new technologies and systems.
Applicants will be asked to provide a cover letter, resume, and three clips of their published work with their application.
*Please include your writing sample with your resume.*
Applicants who are invited for interviews will be asked to complete writing and editing assignment as part of the interview.
Core Values
Live, honor, and own the organization’s Core Values:
1. Commitment to Mission: We believe that our personal passion for and professional commitment to the national parks is essential to our success.
2. Empowerment: We commit to the building of an internal culture that encourages mutual trust and respect needed to foster an environment that promotes opportunities for professional and personal development. We will provide guidance, latitude, clear expectations, opportunities, resources and feedback needed for individuals and teams to take initiative in generating powerful ideas, taking risks to find unique solutions, and learning from failure.
3. Teamwork: We believe that effective teamwork, built on a fundamental trust in and respect for each other, is integral to our success and includes sincerely listening to each other, appreciating different opinions, sharing information and responsibility, and integrating our work across departments.
4. Accountability: We believe in the importance of holding ourselves accountable to each other, our members, and the public, as well as to the excellence, timeliness, and integrity of our work, and the implementation of these core values.
5. Innovation: We believe that it takes insightful creativity, perseverance, and strategic risk-taking to successfully complete our programs, processes, administration, and outreach.
6. Diversity: We believe in and celebrate the diversity of cultural backgrounds, community traditions, and political perspectives at NPCA and in the National Park System. By integrating such diversity into our work, we will most effectively accomplish our mission.
Physical Effort and Dexterity: While performing the duties of this job, the employee is typically required to stand; walk; sit; use hands to finger, handle, or feel objects, tools or controls; reach with hands and arms; climb stairs; talk or hear. The employee may lift and/or move up to 25 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by the job may include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth perception, and the ability to adjust focus. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
NPCA is committed to diversity among its employees and hiring practices. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply.
Physical Environment: Office setting with a cube environment. NPCA’s new offices are designed according to LEED principles and NPCA has applied for a Gold LEED certification for our new Washington, D.C. office space.
12.) Colorado River Senior Campaign Manager, National Parks Conservation Association, Office location flexible
The Colorado River Campaign Manager is a dynamic program leader who works with the Southwest Regional Director to lead NPCA’s expansive Colorado River initiative., One of the most important and celebrated rivers on our continent, the Colorado River, flows through ten iconic national park units. For decades, the river has been managed (responsibility rests with the Department of Interior) to meet specific delivery obligations and to support hydropower generation. Unfortunately, the specific requirements of national park units dependent on the river to sustain and protect natural and cultural resources has not been adequately documented and/or represented in a comprehensive fashion. NPCA is completing a detailed assessment of park resources, economic values and a set of recommendations and prescriptions that we believe can improve park resources.
The Colorado River Campaign Manager will work primarily to promote the implementation of these recommendations and prescriptions. The Manager will coordinate his/her work with an established core group of Colorado River allies (known as the Colorado River Collaborative) in the development and implementation of a basin wide strategy and communications plan that will strive to restrict river diversions, protect fragile ecosystems and build a strong, vocal and varied constituency of advocates for river management reform. Critical to the success of this effort is the cultivation of a wide and diverse network of influential thought leaders and community leaders from throughout the region.
We are seeking to identify, recruit and engage a network of river advocates from throughout the basin who are motivated by their special interest and connection to these selected national park units. The Manager will engage these new advocates through multiple platforms to include the larger landscape protection objectives of the Colorado River collaborative, specific local and regional issues and through the larger network of NPCA park engagement strategies.
Essential Functions:
• Aggressively identify, educate, recruit and organize important new allies from both traditional conservation perspectives and non-traditional allies from business and recreational interests from throughout the Colorado River basin. Assist with the linking of this growing network to the larger strategies coordinated through the Colorado Collaborative. 65% of Time
• Develop relationships with other members of the Colorado River “collaborative” and align NPCA’s river and park agenda with the strategic priorities of our allies. 15% of Time
• In conjunction with the Southwest Regional Director, work closely with the NPCA Government Affairs team to coordinate campaign goals with members of Congress and the Administration. 10% of Time
• Along with the SWRO Regional Director, assist with the strategic release and promotion of the Colorado River Resource Assessment. Working with NPCA’s media team and the Colorado River Collaborative, the program manager will leverage the park threats and protection opportunities. 5% of Time
• Assist with the identification of additional research that may be necessary to support the objectives of this campaign. 5% of Time
Respect employees regardless of their position or background. Participates in developing department goals, objectives, and systems. Participates in administrative staff meetings, organization-wide meetings, staff committee meetings, training programs, and attends other meetings and seminars as designated by the supervisor. Assists in evaluation of reports, decisions, and results of department in relation to established goals. This job description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the employee in this position.
Minimum Work Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. This position will require considerable travel (30-40% of time) and early morning and night meetings and presentations are likely.
Minimum Scope of Position: Interacts with the Southwest Regional Director and the SWRO team as well as members of the NPCA Government Affairs, Communications and Development departments. Additionally, the program manager will work with identified allies to align our work with the overall priorities of a collaborative group and will be reaching out to a wide range of new potential allies from the business, academic, conservation, recreation and public sectors.
Minimum Qualifications, Competencies, Skills, Education, and Traits:
• BA or BS or equivalent experience in relevant field with a graduate degree preferred.
• Four to Five years of leadership and responsibility in conservation advocacy, organizational development or resource management.
• Existing familiarity with the legal, biological, political, economic and technical issues challenging the Colorado River and its uses and users is extremely helpful.
• Proven ability to build effective relationships with diverse populations across political and interest boundaries.
• Significant, proven ability working in community outreach and organizing activities
• Depth of experience in strategic thinking, campaign organizing and implementation
• Excellent oral and written communication skills one on one, in groups and in public forums
• Ability to work independently with minimal day to day oversight
• Demonstrated capacity to build and work in teams effectively in cross disciplinary teams, to organize and implement priority strategies within the context of collaborative efforts
• Good political instincts that are important in a complex and contentious environment
• Knowledge of legislative and administrative policy making processes and a proven ability to influence those processes
• Ability to travel frequently
Core Values
Live, honor, and own the organization’s Core Values:
1. Commitment to Mission: We believe that our personal passion for and professional commitment to the national parks is essential to our success.
2. Empowerment: We commit to the building of an internal culture that encourages mutual trust and respect needed to foster an environment that promotes opportunities for professional and personal development. We will provide guidance, latitude, clear expectations, opportunities, resources and feedback needed for individuals and teams to take initiative in generating powerful ideas, taking risks to find unique solutions, and learning from failure.
3. Teamwork: We believe that effective teamwork, built on a fundamental trust in and respect for each other, is integral to our success and includes sincerely listening to each other, appreciating different opinions, sharing information and responsibility, and integrating our work across departments.
4. Accountability: We believe in the importance of holding ourselves accountable to each other, our members, and the public, as well as to the excellence, timeliness, and integrity of our work, and the implementation of these core values.
5. Innovation: We believe that it takes insightful creativity, perseverance, and strategic risk-taking to successfully complete our programs, processes, administration, and outreach.
6. Diversity: We believe in and celebrate the diversity of cultural backgrounds, community traditions, and political perspectives at NPCA and in the National Park System. By integrating such diversity into our work, we will most effectively accomplish our mission.
Physical Effort and Dexterity: While performing the duties of this job, the employee is typically required to stand; walk; sit; use hands to finger, handle, or feel objects, tools or controls; reach with hands and arms; climb stairs; talk or hear. The employee may lift and/or move up to 25 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by the job may include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth perception, and the ability to adjust focus. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
NPCA is committed to diversity among its employees and hiring practices. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply.
Physical Environment: Typical office setting and/or home based office
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Edward Lundquist, ABC –
Editor and Publisher
Your Very Next Step
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Springfield, VA 22153
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