Your Very Next Step newsletter for December 2007
Your Very Next Step for December
“Adventure must start with running away from home”
– William Bolitho
“Freedom is just CHAOS with better lighting.”
– Alan Dean Foster
“The fundamental law of human beings is interdependence. A person is a person through other persons.”
– Desmond Tutu
Since the first 140 of you adventuresome charter subscriber received issue number 1, another couple of hundred of you have subscribed. So, I need to make all of you aware of the fact that “Your Very Next Step” newsletter is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate. In the first announcement for the newsletter I mentioned a few topics I thought we might like to discuss. Those are still good topics. So please go and read the promo and the first newsletter, and see where you can contribute to the discussion.
You are now among 358 subscribers.
Help Ned launch “Your Very Next Step” Newsletter
Your Very Next Step Newsletter – November 2007
Maybe you recall some of these:
Outhouse surprises
Tips for sanitation sanity
Technology on the trail
Packing light
Staying dry
Staying warm
Best airports for layovers
Off-season surprises
I don't want this anymore. Would you like it?
The most amazing place I've ever been
Most interesting uses of duct tape
Emergency repairs
Product Reviews – by both you and I (sleeping bags; hiking boots; rain gear; travel luggage; hydration equipment; lights; sunglasses; cameras; noise canceling headphones; and anything that helps us take another step on a new adventure)
Here are a few more…
Describing that “mountaintop” experience
Longest flight
Strangest airline
Prettiest view
Most interesting thing you discovered in your campsite
Coolest souvenir
Most unusual place you could buy a beer
Your December issue is being posted to you far from Ned’s Global Operations Center in Springfield, Virginia. This issue of “Your Very Next Step” Newsletter is being transmitted to you from “the Garden Isle,” Kauai, Hawaii. I spent the last two days out at the Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands, described as the remotest beach in America (south of Alaska). Because of the protection it receives from being a super-secret test facility, endangered wildlife such as albatross, monk seals and Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles have a safe habitat.
Tell me about the remotest place you’ve ever been. Send your contributions to Ned at, and make sure you indicate that the contribution is for “Your Very Next Step,” because I get lots of email.
*** Jobs listed in this sissue (see below):
1.) River Apprenticeships, Canyonlands Field Institute, Moab, Utah
2.) Part Time Naturalist Guide, Pacific Coast of Katmai National Park, Hallo Bay Wilderness, Homer, Alaska
3.) Fish and Wildlife Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department Of The Interior, Cheyenne, WY
4.) eCom Marketing Coordinator, Ibex Outdoor Clothing, Woodstock, Vermont
5.) Communications Director, Environment America, Washington DC
6.) SUBARU/LEAVE NO TRACE TRAVELING TRAINERS, Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, Boulder, CO
7.) Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Requests
Proposals for Assistance with the Alaska Cruise Ship Ocean Ranger
8.) Hang Gliding Instructor, Lumber River Hang Gliding, Lumberton, NC
9.) Rock Climbing Guides (and other opportunities), Mountain Adventure Guides, Pisgah National Forest, Erwin, TN
10.) Campaign Coordinator – Missouri River Breaks, The Wilderness Society, Bozeman, Montana
10.) Membership, Regional Development, and Special Events Coordinator
Texas Wildlife Association, San Antonio, Texas
*** I stumbled across this on the Internet:
To order a set of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Outreach Trading Cards, please contact
*** I need to buy Laura some new boots. I need some, too, but first things first. If you want your spouse to hike with you, satisfy those basic needs first, like a good pair of boots. When Laura and I were first married I stopped into “The Mountain Shop” in Wellesley, Mass., because, well, because I like looking around in stores like that. I mentioned how I had never climbed Mount Washington, and she made a deal with me, that if I bought her a new pair of good hiking boots she would climb Mount Washington with me. As expensive as those boots were (much more than I had paid for my boots at EMS in Boston a few years earlier—on sale, I would consider them a bargain to this day. Several pairs of boots later, I will still think of a new pair of boots for Laura as a great deal today.
But great deals can be deceiving. I was looking at bargains at and found a pair of Technica boots for $19.99, marked down on sale from something much, much more than that. There must be a catch, I thought. And I was right. They only had them in one size. But guess what? It was my size! They were much lighter than my big Italian leather boots, and I really liked them. They fit perfect, and stayed laced up, where as the tongue on my Fabiano “The Alps” boots kept slipping off to the sides. At some point, while hiking sections of the AT in northern Virginia, I started to feel like something was poking me in the undersides of my socks, like a pin or something. It nagged me, but didn’t stop me. This persisted until I finally noticed something sticking through the sole: the metal shank. While I could pad the protrusion as a temporary fix, I knew those boots were shot. And I was prepping for a long haul trek In New Mexico where I would need good boots, and they needed to be broken in. A friend suggested going on eBay and getting a pair of Vasque boots.
I did that as soon as I got home. I went online, searched for Vasque boots, and there they were, in my size, at a very reasonable price, with an hour to go in the auction. I won, the boots were shipped, they were virtually new but somewhat broken in, and they were great, except for one thing. They seemed to be just a tiny bit too small. I made do on my trip, and still wear them today. But I wish they were a little larger, which means I will try extra hard next time to get a pair that’s really fitted for me.
I found this web page about fitting boots to be interesting.
I’d be interested in any thoughts you all have about foot wear selection and fitting.
*** From The Commonwealth of Virginia Outdoor Report:
Have you Checked – Rechecked Your Batteries?
If you made it through the first week (of hunting season) without finding (usually at the most critical time) that your batteries in your flashlight, radio, camera, GPS, 'fill in the blank' gadget died… check and replace with fresh batteries before going out again. A battery meter to check power levels is a great gift idea!
Do You Have ICE on Your Cell Phone?
No, not the frozen stuff. Most outdoor enthusiasts carry a cell phone with them on their outings. They are a great safety item. But what if you are injured and cannot operate your phone to communicate? Emergency responders remind you that for safety purposes you should enter the numbers of at least two people that can be contacted In Case of Emergency (ICE). Program the numbers in your phone under ICE, so if you are injured and unable to communicate with rescuers, they can use your cell phone ICE numbers to contact a friend or family member about your situation. Do this for all your cell phones in the family.
*** Ned’s current adventure:
*** Trip Report:
I ask my cab driver where he is from. He wants me to guess. I say, “West Africa.” He smiles, and nods. Then I say, “It would be too easy to guess Nigeria, so I will say ‘Ghana.’” I am right again. “Accra,” I say. In three guess, I have named my cab driver’s hometown. You try that in Washington, DC.
We talk about Africa and how the nations came to be after the colonial era and how most nations have had such despotic leaders. His native tongue is Twi, actually classified as a dialect, but most everyone speaks English, the national language, he says. He is Ashanti. His Christian name is Eric, but his Ghanan name is Kojo. His Daddy’s name is Kojo, too. His wife calls him Kojo. So, I will call him Kojo.
I check in at the wrong kiosk. I didn’t read the sign that discretely mentions that if you have bags to check to go over to the kiosks at the counter and use them. So I do that, and get my two claim checks on my bags which I then have to carry over to be placed in line for screening. I pretend to throw them at the guy, and he smiles. The other guy isn’t too happy as many people have huge carts full of bags and he’s yelling at them to leave the bags on the cart and bring them up close to the xray machine. Maybe he’ll have a better day. I have time for a cup of Starbucks. I have three Starbucks Cards, and have registered two. I couldn’t register the third because I couldn’t read the number. So I wonder if the number gets printed on the receipt. There is a reference number on the slip I get from Almaz.
At Phoenix I get another cup of coffee, this time from Abdrizak, but the “reference number” on my receipt isn’t the same, quashing that theory. I see several people traveling with dogs, large ones on leashes, and small carriers with dogs and cats. I reclassified on cat as a dog when the cat inside the carrier barked.
Many families are on vacation, traveling to the islands for the holidays. There is much changing of seats as families try to be seated together. The couple next to me are from Kansas City. The family in the two rows next to me fills six seats. Mom and dad in 11DEF with the baby, and three monsters behind them in 12DEF. As we take off, the boy in the second row says I want juice. Mom shouts back, No, water. The reply: “I want juice. I want juice. I want Juice. I want Juice. I want JUICE. I want JIUCE. I WANT JUICE! I WANT JUICE. (Then, the chant is accompanied by pounding on the tray table.) “JUICE. JUICE. JUICE!” Okay. You get the idea. The kids don’t stop screaming except for one surreal moment of silence for the entire six hour flight. The wife shouts at the husband in an animate one-way conversation for at least four of the six hours. I hardly hear the husband reply. He did startle me at one point when he loudly flattened his soda can with his boot. When we get off the plane in Lihue, the boy tells mom to hold his coat. “You do it. Take some responsibility for yourself.” This was the first correct parental response I’ve heard her make in seven hours. “No, I don’t want it.” So, he gives it to his father, who is otherwise occupied with getting all of their crap together and off the plane, and he takes it without comment.
Our 757 lands to an empty Lihue airport, but within minutes of touching down we are joined by an Aloha 737, a Hawaiian 717 and a GO CRJ. I collect my bags and take the shuttle to the National Car Rental lot. Kauai is overrun with poultry and I hear my first rooster before I get out of the rental car lot. The road is lined with pink hibiscus and white oleander. The drive into the Kauai Beach Resort is covered by Banyon trees. The surf is heavy on the windward side of Kauai. In fact it is blustery, with some rain. The tradewinds are constant here, so the prevailing winds are almost always ENE (060) at about 13 mplh. Right now they are 17 mph, gusting to 25. That doesn’t keep the faithful away from the free mai tais, and it doesn’t stop the couple from having their wedding photographs taken poolside. She’s wearing white.
The torches are lit and we have a little music and hula dancing. I can see and hear just fine from my room. By 6:15 p.m. it is dark. The wind is noisy, and the hotel creates somewhat of a wind tunnel effect, so even with the sliding glass doors shut I get a howling noise.
I go to church at Immaculate Conception. As a guest, I receive a shell lei. The choir consists of a singer, bass guitar, drummer (snare with brushes and a conga drum) and two ukuleles, both electric, one five string and one four string. They sound wonderful.
Mid-day snack: A cream puff at Tip Top Bakery.
Dinner: Hamura Saimin. I had the special, plus a barbecue beef.
Here’s where I’ve been the previous two days.
PMRF Barking Sands:
Here’s why:
You can see the target launch photo here
*** Finish:
I had only a short time to explore Yosemite: one October weekend sandwiched between two business trips. The park drive is awe inspiring, but I am the type to explore trails and discover quiet places, seeking out wildlife and collecting my favorite souvenirs – photographs. Overwhelmed by the beauty and all there was to see in such a short period of time, I almost made a life-changing mistake.
I set out alone on an early morning hike with a daypack containing a bottle of water and a camera. I traipsed the trail with optimism that it would be a great day. I took many opportunities to enjoy the scenery, reflect on the sights, take photos and soak in all that Yosemite had to offer. After hiking several miles on this icy morning, my stomach and my thoughts suddenly turned to breakfast. For this hastily put-together trip, I hadn’t packed my usual trail snacks.
While I hadn’t reached the end of the trail, I had experienced some lovely views. I had already engaged in a sensual feast and I had found moments of silence in which no man-made sound was audible, only birdsongs, the chatter of small mammals, the beating of my own heart in reaction to the splendor of this place. It had been a good hike and I felt complete…at least enough so that I was ready to turn back for breakfast before setting out anew on another trail. Since I had reached a point of having to scramble over rocks to complete the hike, I decided to call it quits and head back.
But something urged me to push myself just a bit farther. “Finish,” the voice said. So I climbed up the rocks toward an apparent summit. I could not have been more thankful that I did. Those last few yards gave me a lifetime moment that remains forever etched in my soul. Out of a crack in this large rock grew a twisted pine, which had weathered the winds of time for hundreds of years. While it had recently died, the tree had a grace that was amazing to me. The harsh conditions it had endured…the cold, the wind, the lack of soil, the ages. But the Jeffrey Pine was not the half of it. At the top of those rocks was a 360-degree view encompassing Half Dome, El Capitan and the Yosemite Valley. It was a chilling experience…both breathtaking and life giving.
I have remembered this experience, though it has been many years since I lived it. I continue to discover life metaphors for this experience. I know that life and beauty can exist in the harshest conditions. When I have moments in which I am ready to quit, I urge myself forward…I finish. I also pack granola bars.
Jocelyn Canfield, ABC
Communication Results
Writing | Graphic Design | Photography
(Jocelyn designed the masthead for the website. Those are her boots.)
*** What’s a coyote go for these days?
Multi-state Investigation Uncovers Illegal Trade in Foxes and Coyotes
A multi-state covert investigation involving the illegal buying, selling, possession and transportation of foxes and coyotes is unfolding with arrests being made across the Southeast and Midwest. In Virginia, Conservation Police Officers with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) have conducted a statewide inspection of 41 foxhound training facilities, shutting down 35 for violations of their permits. Charges are pending.
The investigation in Virginia began in 2006. VDGIF covert agents soon realized that the scope of the criminal activity reached far beyond the Commonwealth's borders. Foxes and coyotes were apparently trapped and sold in western states and illegally transported to Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia for use in foxhound training facilities. VDGIF covert agents infiltrated the illegal interstate market, buying and selling foxes and coyotes and gaining access to foxhound training facilities.
Foxhound training facilities are used for training dogs on pursuing foxes and in evaluating that training. In Virginia, the permits were established in 1996 in an attempt to regulate these fenced enclosures. VDGIF issues the permits and conducts inspections of the sites. The permits require that foxes be provided with adequate shelter, food, water, and escape dens beyond the reach of dogs being trained in the facilities and that operators maintain documentation on the foxes used in the facility and other records.
VDGIF Chief of Law Enforcement, Col. Mike Bise, said, “We had long suspected that permits were being violated, but it took some time to gather sufficient evidence to launch a full-scale investigation. Once we got in, we saw that the problem was more serious and more widespread than suspected. Some of the closures were for minor violations, but others may result in criminal charges.” Investigators found that careless management of the fox hunting operations was leading to animal deaths, and the capture of more wild animals. The investigation is continuing.
VDGIF Chairman James W. Hazel commented, “I have been impressed with the hard work of our covert agents and conservation police officers in conducting this investigation. From what I learned, this is a closed society with access to the facilities limited to a very few people. Even the dog owners are often not allowed inside where their dogs are training or being scored.” Hazel continued, “After being briefed on this case, I am deeply concerned about what may be going on inside some of these sites. Let me be clear that the activities inside these fenced enclosures are outside of traditional hunting.”
*** I had no idea…
I had no idea what Telemark skiing is. So Jaclyn Bailey with CGPR in Marblehead, Mass., explains:
Telemark skiing is a term used for skiing using the Telemark turn, which is a technique first popularized by Sondre Norheim. It is also known as “free heel skiing.” Unlike alpine skiing equipment, the skis used for telemarking have a binding that only connects the boot to the ski at the toes, just as in cross-country skiing. Telemark turns are led with the heel flat on the outside ski, while the inside ski is pulled beneath the skier's body with a flexed knee and raised heel. The skis are staggered but parallel, and 50% to 80% of the body weight is distributed on the outer ski, depending on snow conditions. The relationship between the two skis often is metaphorically understood as one longer, but curved ski. The reason for this metaphor is that it is this curve that makes the turn ratio of the skier and defines the relationship between the two skis. Check it out here:
*** A legend in the Mediterranean:
The website seems out of date. Is the Daiquiri palace still open?
*** For the outdoorsman who has everything, including $90.00:
*** I saw some electric socks at REI. Anyone have any experience with them? They seem like a great idea.
*** Brake for Moose: It Could Save Your Life
New Hampshire is famous for its moose, but having these massive mammals in abundance can also lead to dangerous and costly moose-vehicle collisions. Each year, there are roughly 250 moose-related accidents in the Granite State, many resulting in injuries or death to drivers and passengers. N.H. Fish and Game wildlife officials and law enforcement officers urge drivers to use caution when on the roads, especially at dusk and dawn, for your safety and that of the moose. Here is some important information to keep in mind when driving in New Hampshire:
• New Hampshire's moose herd is approximately 7,000 strong.
• The average moose weighs 1,000 lbs.
• Moose are hard to see at night. They are 6 feet tall at the shoulder and your headlights will often only reveal their legs, which are the same color as the pavement. Their height also means that if you hit one, the bulk of a moose will fall on your windshield and roof.
• Don't count on seeing “eye shine.” Moose eyes do reflect light, but your headlights won't reach that high.
• From April to November, moose are very active and the highest numbers of moose-vehicle collisions occur. In spring, yearlings have just been separated from their mothers and are apt to show up anywhere at anytime. In fall, moose are on the move because it's their mating season.
• Moose are attracted to salt licks caused by winter road management, so it is not surprising to see them on or very near the road.
Fish and Game Moose Project Leader Kris Rines offers up some tips for safe driving in moose country:
• Most collisions happen at dawn or dusk, but they can happen at any time of day. Stay alert!
• Collisions occur statewide and on all types of roads, from highways to backroads.
• Try not to drive faster than 55 mph. There is a strong correlation between speed and the severity of an accident.
• Wear your seatbelt.
• Scan the sides of the roads.
• Use high beams whenever possible.
• Don't count on moose stopping when they see you. They are very unpredictable. Stop the car if necessary and wait.
• Be particularly attentive and drive slowly where moose road crossing signs are posted. But remember moose cross the road wherever they like!
Residents and visitors both love to see these New Hampshire denizens, so please make sure you take all necessary precautions when out on the roadways. Remember: Brake for Moose!
Improving Our Chances
After a request from Littleton Regional Hospital emergency room physician Dr. Campbell McLaren to investigate methods for preventing moose-vehicle collisions, the N.H. Fish and Game Department, N.H. Department of Transportation and State of New Hampshire Highway Safety Agency have developed a comprehensive outreach plan to reduce both the number and severity of these accidents in the Granite State. The plan includes increased highway lighting; placement of scrolling-message highway signs; the production of a driver-education video; distribution of “Brake for Moose” bumper stickers; public service announcements and news releases. The partnering agencies are working toward raising awareness and teaching ways to reduce motorists' chances of hitting a moose on New Hampshire roads.
CLICK HERE to listen to a short Outdoor Almanac radio commentary on moose road safety, from Peter St. James and Dr. Campbell McLaren.
New Hampshire's award-winning “Brake for Moose” campaign is a collaborative effort of the N.H. Fish and Game Department, N.H. Department of Transportation and State of New Hampshire Highway Safety Agency.
Helpful Links:
• N.H. Fish and Game website for moose profile, hunting and research information:
• N.H. Moose Conservation License Plate Program:
*** Travel a lot, and hate those air travel delays? What’s the fix? The Air Transport Association conducted this spot poll:
What is the single best way to reduce delays?
Congestion pricing designed to raise fares and thereby limit demand — 9%.
Where appropriate, add runway capacity — 11%.
Limit business jet operators to non-peak times — 12%.
Begin transformation to a satellite-based air traffic control system — 64%.
Hire more air traffic controllers — 4%.
What is the single most important safety issue to be addressed?
Frequency of runway incursions — 12%.
FAA oversight of foreign repair stations — 13%.
Aging aircraft — 5%.
Lack of a modern air-traffic control system — 70%.
*** Career and employment opportunities:
1.) River Apprenticeships, Canyonlands Field Institute, Moab, Utah
Offered Mid March through April 30 (6 weeks) followed by entry level guide employment through contract season (late October) with 2 week break in July. These are for a outdoor educators who do not yet have river rafting/guiding skills. We prefer applicants with college degrees in related fields. These instructor-guides will initially be hired as “Apprentices” and will benefit from intensely mentored rafting skill development, river and land based school program curriculum, and river rescue training. They will be involved in some raft repair and other operations in between field trips. You will be offered continued employment as entry level naturalist-guide on contingent basis.
Must have prior to start date:
• Minimum of 8 hour standard First aid and CPR courses (strongly prefer 40 hour Advanced first aid or Wilderness First Responder)
• Minimum age 21, good driving record to meet vehicle insurance requirements
• Physical exam to meet DOT requirements, be able to lift 50 lbs, drive manual transmission.
• Secure Motor Vehicle report from home state and bring with you.
• Have proof of Social security number (passport, other)
Apprentices will be exposed to our primary river stretches which will qualify them for paid work after the apprenticeship. Apprentices will receive an intern stipend of $150/per 2 week pay period through regular payroll ($450 total, subject to wage taxes), receive free use of bunkhouse or field camp for lodging, and are provided meals during overnight training trips. Training on all CFI operations, vehicles/driving and teaching lesson plans will be provided. Initial 3 weeks of training will include 1 day off/ week, and 2 days off/week thereafter (schedules will vary as to days of week due to assigned river launch dates that vary each year.) Detailed schedule will be available March 1. Apprentices will be secure apprentice guide license upon completion at CFI expense and be fully prepared for paid Naturalist-guide work.
Apprentices will be hired for EMPLOYMENT for the balance of our spring season (May 1 through early July) on a salary basis of $1400/20 day work month (with 4 additional standby days) plus housing and benefits below; pay will increase to $1600 month starting August 1; additional increases may be awarded for exceptional skill and leadership development. Housing will continue to be provided in exchange for 8 hours/month work trade . End of season award of $100 will be made for completion to help reimburse costs in guide supplies and med exam and $100 travel assistance provided at vacation break and upon return and at end of season ($300 total). CFI to provide scholarships for Westwater River Rescue Workshop, Utah Food Handlers Course, Educator Clearance, Leave No Trace Trainer Course and training river trips as well as “starter” boat rigging kit. Training to include: Introduction to Colorado Plateau ecology, geology, history, native cultures, ethnobotany, regional issues, outdoor education teaching techniques.
2.) Part Time Naturalist Guide, Pacific Coast of Katmai National Park, Hallo Bay Wilderness, Homer, Alaska
Summer Season: June 1 to September 25
Salary Range; $200-$225 per day DOE
Typical Day: 10-12 hours
Provided: Private furnished cabin, prepared meals and bush plane transportation.
Duties: Duties include guiding guests on naturalist tours around the camp area, teaching and informing
the guests about the wildlife, plant life, flowers, geology, volcanoes, glaciers and the conservation and environment of the coastal brown bears. Duties also include assisting in cleaning cabins, cleaning washroom
and shower facilities, cleaning the camp area and hauling freight from the bush plane up to the camp.
Additional Information on the above listed positions may be obtained by calling our office
between the hours of 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM Alaska Standard Time at 907-235-2237.
How To Apply:
1) Fill Out Application Form Hallo Bay Job Application Form
2) Provide a cover letter with your application describing why you desire this position.
3) Additional Note*
The nature of the remote Wilderness Camp employment positions and bush plane transportation
will require the following information:
*Physical condition including height-weight-photo.
*Health and/or medical condition.
*First Aid and CPR certification required.
4) You may email, mail or fax your Application.
Fax: 907-235-9461
Hallo Bay Wilderness
P.O. Box 2904
Homer, Alaska 99603
3.) Fish and Wildlife Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department Of The Interior, Cheyenne, WY
Job Announcement Number: R6-08-162606-D
SERIES & GRADE: GS-0401-09/11
SALARY RANGE: 43,731.00 – 68,787.00 USD per year
Closes December 20, 2007
4.) eCom Marketing Coordinator, Ibex Outdoor Clothing, Woodstock, Vermont
Job Description:
Ibex’s eCom Marketing Coordinator is the critical organizational, implementation, and results reporting individual responsible for making the company’s marketing plan a reality. Working closely with the Marketing and eCom teams, this position is best suited for a person who loves the details and has an analytical mind. With responsibilities focused on our eCom efforts, this person should also have a working knowledge of current web based marketing initiatives, as well as an aptitude in budgeting and organization.
Overall implementation of the eCom marketing plan as delivered by the Director of Marketing
Daily tracking of metrics. Sales, margin, traffic, conversion, etc.; and reporting the results.
Customer database management
Email implementation and results reporting
Implementation and management of our SEO, SEM, and Affiliate programs
eCom budget management
Physical eCom systems and hosting
Be an active and self-starting participant in the company’s overall eCom success
How to Apply:
Email cover letterand resume to:
Keith Anderson []
Ibex Outdoor Clothing, LLC
2800 Westerdale Cut-Off Rd.
Woodstock, Vermont 05091
(800) 773-9647
This job listing expires on: December 20th, 2007.
5.) Communications Director, Environment America, Washington DC
6.) SUBARU/LEAVE NO TRACE TRAVELING TRAINERS, Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, Boulder, CO
Leave No Trace is seeking a dedicated, savvy, dynamic team of educators (only teams of two are accepted as applicants) for seasonal traveling positions. Leave No Trace is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the responsible enjoyment and active stewardship of natural lands worldwide by all people. The Traveling Trainers travel throughout the U.S. teaching and promoting minimum impact techniques to outdoor enthusiasts of all experience levels. The Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers reach millions of individuals annually, promoting stewardship of the outdoors, and supporting active lifestyles. The Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers program is an established, well-respected education and outreach program that is in high demand across the country.
Couples and pre-paired teams only apply. We will not place individuals in a team.
The Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers, sponsored by Subaru, represent the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics as goodwill ambassadors. The teams will present special programs for diverse groups such as youth serving organizations, land managers, students, hiking, bicycling, climbing and other user groups, outdoor retailers, and general public. Scheduled stops include trade and consumer shows, special events, trail projects, volunteer events, and other related events. Throughout the season, the team will keep a monthly on-line journal and communicate regularly with those interested in learning more about Leave No Trace. Teams must represent the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, the Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Trainer program, and Subaru of America in a positive and professional manner at all times.
Team members will be outfitted with apparel, equipment and supplies necessary for teaching and camping, as well as communicating electronically. Compensation package includes food and lodging expenses, and monthly salary. Part time employment (6.5 months) and travel will begin without exception, March 14th, 2008 and run through September 2008.
Education and Technical Requirements
* Bachelor Degree in a related field and at least two-years of teaching experience
* Exceptional written and verbal communication skills
* Recommended outdoor recreation skills set include: hiking, backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing, winter sports, trail running, travel with pack stock, etc.
* Current Basic First Aid and CPR certification (Wilderness First Responder or WEMT preferred)
* Formal Leave No Trace Training (Master Educator preferred)
* Availability to travel without exception, continuously from early to mid March 2008 through September 2008
* Personal budgeting and expense tracking skills
* Macintosh computer and digital camera proficiency
Leadership and Interpersonal Requirements:
* Direct experience teaching, guiding and instructing (outdoor settings preferred)
* High level of motivation, energy, creativity and professionalism
* Charismatic and entertaining public speaking and verbal communication skills
* Ability to deal with an evolving and sometimes unpredictable itinerary
* Excellent time-management skills
For more information, visit
To apply please submit the following by 1/8/08
1. A joint cover letter, 2 page maximum
2. Resumes for each team member, 2 page maximum per person
**other information and/or material are not necessary or accepted
Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Trainer Program
C/O Leave No Trace
PO Box 997
Boulder Co, 80306
No calls please
Leave No Trace is an equal opportunity employer.
How to Apply:
To apply please submit the following by 1/8/08
1. A joint cover letter, 2 page maximum
2. Resumes for each team member, 2 page maximum per person
**other information and/or material are not necessary or accepted
Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Trainer Program
C/O Leave No Trace
PO Box 997
Boulder Co, 80306
No calls please
Leave No Trace is an equal opportunity employer.
This job listing expires on: January 8th, 2008.
7.) Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Requests
Proposals for Assistance with the Alaska Cruise Ship Ocean Ranger
Proposals must be received in a sealed envelope no latter than 3 P.M.
Alaska time December 20th.
There is a pre-proposal conference Tuesday December 11th at 2PM Alaska
time. The full public notice has contact information on attending the
The Department estimates a budget of between $1.2 and $4 million dollars
per State Fiscal Year. The contract includes one fiscal year with the
option to extend for two additional fiscal years.
Full text of the public notice and contract information;
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of
Water, is soliciting proposals for assistance with the implementation of
the Ocean Ranger program established under Alaska Statute 46.03.476. The
selected contractor will recruit and hire U.S Coast Guard licensed
marine engineers to serve as Ocean Rangers on large commercial passenger
vessels1. Based upon guidance provided by the DEC Department, the
contractor will develop the “Inspection and Verification Guide and
Checklist”. The “Inspection and Verification Guide and Checklist” will
serve as the backbone of the Ocean Ranger program. The contractor will
also develop and conduct a training course for the Ocean Rangers. The
contractor will administer the program and manage the logistics of
placing Ocean Rangers on most large commercial passenger vessels during
each visit to Alaska.
For more information, please contact
Margarita (Margie) Vasquez
Phone No. (907) 465-5037
Fax No. (907) 465-5099
8.) Hang Gliding Instructor, Lumber River Hang Gliding, Lumberton, NC
Lumber River Hang Gliding is currently seeking a hang gliding instructor. This is a full-time position. For information, call the shop during business hours. Lumber River Hang Gliding is open M-F from 8:00 to 4:00 and from 6:00 to 10:00 PM on Tuesdays. Weekends and other evenings are by appointment. We are located in historic downtown Lumberton, North Carolina, on Interstate-95, 17 miles from the South Carolina border.
Lumber River Hang Gliding
116 W. Fourth St.
Lumberton, NC 28358
(910) 618-9700
9.) Rock Climbing Guides (and other opportunities), Mountain Adventure Guides, Pisgah National Forest, Erwin, TN
Mountain Adventure Guides is looking for raft guides, summer adventure camp guides and camp counselors, rock climbing guides and support staff for the 2008 season.
Mountain Adventure Guides has guided many thousands of clients in western North Carolina. We are committed to providing clients, guests and campers with the highest quality adventure programming, guides and equipment. MAG holds commercial outfitter and guide licenses with the United States Forest Service, Pisgah National Forest – Pisgah, Appalachian and French Broad Ranger Districts.
We're looking for seasonal, committed/responsible guides with strong people skills, a good attitude and a willingness to provide our clients with a great day on the rock. You should lead traditional multipitch to 5.10 and have at least 4 years of personal climbing experience. We require rock guides to be at least 21 years old and WFR/CPR certified. We require that you have previous experience guiding for at least 2 seasons in WNC and have completed training with NOLS, Outward Bound and/or climbing courses in a University we know. If you meet these min. requirements and are interested in being a rock climbing guide with MAG please email us at .
Mountain Adventure Guides
2 Jones Branch Road
Erwin, TN 37650
10.) Campaign Coordinator – Missouri River Breaks, The Wilderness Society, Bozeman, Montana
The Wilderness Society (TWS) is a national, non-profit, membership organization dedicated to preserving wilderness and wildlife. We are seeking an experienced leader to implement and expand our campaign to protect the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument and the prairies of Northeast Montana.
Working closely with the Northern Rockies team, the Campaign Coordinator will focus on influencing the final management plan for the Breaks through a combination of political pressure, targeted outreach and mobilization, implementing a strategic communications plan and marshaling science and other relevant data. The Campaign Coordinator will work closely with and help coordinate the efforts of coalition staff, conservation partners and citizen advocates to secure strong protection for the National Monument.
In addition, the Campaign Coordinator will help develop and implement a landscape-level conservation approach to protect public lands in Northeast Montana including the public lands near the National Monument and the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge. This will require building relationships with stakeholders in local communities including elected officials, business owners, ranchers, tribal leaders, land managers and a wide range of conservation partners.
The Campaign Coordinator will direct and implement a multi-faceted campaign designed to protect the public lands in Northeastern Montana using a varied and dynamic range of strategies and tactics. This will require the following responsibilities:
Lead TWS' campaign to protect the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument.
Develop strong working relationships with opinion leaders in local communities, the local Resource Advisory Committee and select officials with state government and BLM.
Collaborate with conservation partners, provide leadership to coalition efforts and support coalition staff.
Marshal and direct TWS resources and expertise in science, policy and law to influence targeted decision makers within state government and BLM.
Lead the Northern Rockies team in the development and strategic implement of a media strategy designed to increase public demand for the protection of the Breaks.
Initiate the expansion of our Missouri Breaks campaign into a broader, landscape level approach, including the development and implementation of strategies to affect the Malta Resource Management Plan and the Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge.
Incorporate the findings of scientific research in the government planning processes and the public debate.
Must have demonstrated the ability to act strategically and creatively to advance a landscape-level campaign;
Minimum of three years experience working to secure stronger protect of our public lands;
Must be a highly motivated self-starter with a proven ability to manage multiple demands and deadlines;
Demonstrated ability to work successfully in coalition with diverse groups and individuals;
Familiarity with BLM processes a plus. Proven ability to work constructively with a wide range of interests including rural community leaders, ranchers, tribal leaders, local elected officials, local, state, and federal land managers and conservation organizations;
Must be able to lead and work in a team environment;
Excellent analytical and communication skills, ability to write and speak concisely and persuasively.
Bachelor's degree or comparable work experience in natural resource management or related field.
Frequent travel with some evening and weekend work is expected.
We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, including health and dental insurance and a pension plan.
The Wilderness Society is an EOE and diversity is a core value.
Submit resume, cover letter, writing samples and reference to:
Anne Rockhold
The Wilderness Society
503 W. Mendenhall
Bozeman, Montana 59715
10.) Membership, Regional Development, and Special Events Coordinator
Texas Wildlife Association, San Antonio, Texas
*** “The splendid discontent of God With CHAOS made the world. And from the discontent of man The worlds best progress springs.”
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
*** Your Very Next Step is a service of the Job of the Week Network LLC
© 2007 The Job of the Week Network LLC
Edward Lundquist, ABC
Editor and Publisher
Your Very Next Step
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
Home office phone: (703) 455-7661
“Adventures don't begin until you get into the forest. That first step is an act of faith.”
– Mickey Hart, Grateful Dead Drummer
December Leaves
The fallen leaves are cornflakes
that fill the lawn's wide dish.
The night and noon, the wind a spoon
and stirs them with a swish.
The sky's a silver sifter,
a-sifting white and slow
that gently shakes on crisp brown flakes
the sugar known as snow.
-Kaye Starbird
This issue of “Your Very Next Step” Newsletter is being transmitted to you from “the Garden Isle,” Kauai, Hawaii.
Published: Tue 18 Dec 2007 09:32 AM EST