Your Very Next Step newsletter for July 2008 (Part II)

Your Very Next Step newsletter for July 2008 (Part II)

“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”

– G. K. Chesterton

“Your Very Next Step” newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.

“Adventure: the pursuit of life”

Daniel Roy Wiarda

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*** In this issue:

*** Travel News

*** The Cape Cod Expedition

*** Don’t do this: Worrying a Moose is a crime in Vermont

*** Piping Plovers

*** Flounder as art

*** Mother and daughter see the West Coast

*** Today's top travel story

*** 2008 VAWFA Virginia State Duck and Goose Calling Contests

*** Travel, Outdoor and Adventure Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities

…and much more…and it’s all FREE!!!

*** Travel News:

Alaska will stop accepting cash for in-flight purchases

They spin it a different way:

Beginning August 5, you longer need to hunt for cash to pay for onboard purchases. At that time we begin our “Cashless Cabin” which allows the use of major credit or debit cards for all in-flight purchases. As part of the cashless cabin, cash will no longer be accepted onboard. However, for a limited time, when you use your Alaska Airlines Visa card or any Bank of America debit card you'll earn 10 miles for every dollar spent in flight.

ExpressJet to shutter branded operation Sept. 1

ExpressJet Airlines said yesterday that it will suspend its independent branded flying operation on Sept. 2, citing rising fuel costs, ending a program that never made money after its April 2007 launch (ATWOnline, May 10, 2007).

(Ned predicts: At least one, maybe two airlines will not survive the fuel-price fiasco.)

New luggage fees may be costly, but shipping luggage is worse

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

*** Pay attention:

USAirways announces a “new” business model:

*** From Bernie Wagenblast:

Airlines to Begin Selling Ads on Boarding Passes

Link to AP story:

*** From Rick Strutner:

You aviators will love this… it will amuse you for hours. 

Move your cursor over the screen on this site , and you will have the impression, you are flying over the mountains.

*** Crime and punishment:

Worrying a Moose is a crime in Vermont

*** I like trying new things, and going new places. But once in a while, I like the “tried and true.” How about you? Do you have any favorite haunts or repeat destinations that bring you back again and again? Read on, and you’ll see what I mean, then share your faves with the rest of us (send to

*** Flags over Harwichport:


Added your photos to a new photo gallery on the Calendar page, with credit and links to you. Hope you continue to enjoy your vacation, I really appreciate you being a “photographer correspondent” and look forward to reading about some of your great adventures in Your Very Next Step.

With cheer,


Susan H. Burnell, APR*

Imagination Ink – Business Writing & Public Relations

Houston, TX

*** Today's top travel story

A British couple was arrested for a romantic romp on Dubai’s Jumeirah Beach.

Overly adventurous 'thrill' seekers face 3-6 years for decency violations in Dubia

via ABC GO News

ABC News' Lara Setrakian reports: A British couple was arrested for a romantic romp on Dubai’s Jumeirah Beach. The two allegedly were caught having sex on the beach — an act very much against the law in this modern, but still traditional Muslim society.

The case is front page news in the Gulf, where reactions range from sympathy to “they should have known better” indifference.

The woman, identified in the press as Michelle Palmer, 30, spoke to reporters about facing a possible 3-6 years in jail.

“They are going to make an example of us and we’re going to get a higher sentence,” Palmer told reporters. “We are in so much trouble. … Until someone is in this situation, they could never know what it’s like. It's bad — it’s so, so bad. They are being pushed into a corner to make an example of us. I’m panicking. I can’t say anything else.”

Dubai invites tourists from around the world to take in its Persian Gulf shores and fast-expanding skyline.

But there's a high price to not knowing the laws that keep Western visitors in line with conservative Middle Eastern values. During the month of Ramadan, for example, it is criminal to eat, drink or chew gum in public during daylight hours (Muslims fast until sunset).

Any sexual activity outside of marriage is technically illegal in Dubai, and public displays of affection are frowned upon.

Travel advice from the British Foreign Office states that there have been arrests of people kissing in public.

For the estimated 25,000 Americans living in the UAE and the many more who visit, the message is hands off your partner or you could be doing hard time.

*** Ned predicts with confidence what he and the family will do during the first 24 hours of their family vacation (as noted in the last issue):

We will leave Sunday night and arrive early Monday morning. I’ll run down to Bonatt’s Bakery in Harwichport to get some Melt-aways. Then I’ll go to the community center to get our Harwich Resident’s Beach Parking Sticker. Next we’ll go to one of the ponds in Harwich, kettle ponds actually if you know what a kettle pond is, and go for a dip. For lunch I’m guessing we’ll head over to Orleans and catch some fried scallops from Sir Crickets, then go next door to the Bird Watcher’s General Store to get my 2008 T-Shirt and tell them a bad joke to get my free pencil. We’ll take a nap, then maybe go to the Super Stop&Shop to stock up for the week. The kids will walk down to the elementary school and swing on the swings at the playground while they listen to their iPods. We’ll grill out in the back yard. I might even suggest a ball game, but the Harwich Mariners are away, and won’t play at home (against Orleans) until Wednesday the 2nd of July. So, after dinner, we’ll go to the Sundae School down in Harwichport and Tom will have Bass River Mud, I will have Grapenut, Laura will have Cremsicle and Barbara will have Black Cherry. They will lobby for double scoops. I will resist. Scout will come along to be admired and to police up any scoops that fall to the ground.

Tune into the next issue of Your Very Next Step to see how close Ned comes to predicting what he and the family will do when they arrive on Cape Cod.

Harwich Center, population was 1,832, is part of the Town of Harwich (pop. 12,386)

And here’s what happened:

We left at 7:30 p.m., picked up Barbara’s friend Gabby, and headed north. We encountered virtually no traffic, even at the GW bridge. We arrived at Harwich about 5:30 on Monday morning. After a very brief nap I took Barbara, Gabby and Tom to Bonatt’s where we got a dozen melt-aways and a few other assorted goodies.

Laura and I went to the community center and picked up our beach parking permit (visitors cost $55 per week, and residents $20 for the year. This year’s permit is purple.

Barbara and Gabby walked to the school. This is the place where she fell off the swing when it broke and fractured her tailbone last summer. They report new swings.

We went to Sir Crickets and Ned has fried scallops. Gabby tried a sip of Moxie. We then went next door to the Bird Watchers General Store and Ned got the orange 2008 version of the t-shirts, and a pair of “Stud Puffin” boxers. He told two jokes that made them laugh and earned two pencils, an all-time high.

We picked up some things at the Stop and Shop, and grilled hot dogs and Italian sausages on the grill. Sundae School afterwards. Ned had grapenut, Barbara had coffee oreo (no black cherry available), Laura had orange cream, and Tom had cookie dough.

*** Ned walks down the beach and sees some piping plover chicks. He meets up with Diane Thibodeau, an Audubon Society volunteer:

Diane: I’m a Plover Watcher.

Ned: Are you a member of the Piping Plover Official Observer Program, also known as PPOOP?

Diane: No, I’m a volunteer.

Ned: Are the piping plovers endangered?

Diane: No, they are listed as threatened. That’s the next step below endangered. They lay their eggs in the sand, and you can’t see them, so they can easily be stepped on.

Ned: Do they have lots of natural predators?

Diane: Yes, everything from coyotes and raccoons and dogs to sea gulls and crows.

Ned: They’re cute:

Diane: We have three hatchlings now. And four others that have already fledged.

Ned: Do you live here?

Diane: Yes, I live in Harwich. I come out here every week. Now, if you excuse me, I have some plover chicks to watch.

*** We drove out to Provincetown, or P-Town as it is known. It was gearing up for the big 4th of July holiday, but it was not too crowded on the 2nd. My main objective was to get some malasadas from the Portuguese Bakery on Commercial Street. Laura recalls malasadas from Hawaii. Perhaps the closest thing to a malasada is a beignet from Café du Mode in the Big Easy. These are bigger. Better. They make 1,000 a day about now, and summer hasn’t kicked in yet, fried in 450-degree oil, so it can get hot making them in this tiny bakery. They have so many good things to eat, but you really need to start with the maladsadas and have two if your willpower can permit you to stop there. They cost $2.09 each. Buy ten and get one free.

A painter was beginning a still life of the bakery counter, a place that is anything but still. Abigail McBride is actually from Annapolis, but is showing her recent work at the Egeli Gallery in Provincetown ( Her promotional postcard says she’s an American impressionist. Her business card says “artist.” ( I watched her using her brush and palette knife as she brought out the creamy yellow walls and began on the steely gray cash register. This isn’t going to be your ordinary bowl of fruit. I told her that her photograph would be posted at

Thursday 3 July: Cape Cod National Seashore:

Brewster General Store. Cool stuff.

Friday 4 July: Chatham, Mass.

Ned bought this shirt last year:

Harwich vs. Brewster at home. Mariners lose.

Saturday: I forget.

Sunday: I forget.

Monday July 6: Monomoy Island

Seal cruise around Monomoy to seal harbor and gray seals aboard Perseverance (Captain Bob).

Monomoy Light

Pollock Rip: If Pollock Rip wasn’t where it was, Plymouth Rock would be in Harwichport (if they could find a rock).

Harwich at home against the Bourne Braves.

*** Fish as art:

We love these shirts with fish rubbings by Jenny Bovey, done in the ancient Japanese Gyotaku style, which means, well, fish rubbings in ancient Japanese.

Ned: What’s the most popular design?

Jenny: Striped bass.

Ned: I have this one.

Jenny: That’s the bluefish. It’s the second-most popular.

Ned: What’s the hardest, or the one you least enjoy doing?

Jenny: The octopus is hard, but it really looks cool.

(See the photo of the artist with son Jonah (he’s wearing the shark jaw) displaying the octopus at

Ned bought Jenny’s coffee mug, with the top ten questions Jenny gets asked by customers:

1. Do you paint a real fish and then slap a shirt on it?

2. Do they smell?

3. Who gets to catch the fish?

4. What happens to the fish afterwards?

5. Whatever possessed you to do this?

6. How many prints do you get from one fish?

7. Is this a spice shop?

8. Do you name your fish?

9. Do you eat your fish?

10. So… what's your real job?

See the designs and the technique at

*** Furries?

You hate going through security at the airport, right? Well the screeners don’t like some of us, either:

*** Tony Dungy says “There are flyovers, and then there are different flyovers.”;jsessionid=AB1132BACACF4033411541B08F73761A?videoId=09000d5d80924c91

(Bring on the Reprocured C-2A Greyhounds!)

*** Susan totally unwound:

Hi Ned – I wrote a while back about my (to me) ambitious trip with my 6-year old from D.C. to Seattle to Orcas Island by Sea Plane back to Seattle by Ferry down to San Fran on Amtrak’s Starlight Express sleeper train then by plane to San Diego. Not very exotic – but a lot of legs and a lot of lessons learned. In between we saw Orca whales, eagles, puffins, dolphin, held starfish, fed deer that visited our back yard, saw a deer peeing (my daughter’s personal favorite), and Mt. Ranier (my personal favorite). We had 6 perfectly clear days on the island and in Seattle. Very unusual.

The train trip was OK – but I think Amtrak is missing a golden opportunity to capture more riders. There was not one lick of information on that train to explain where we were traveling and what we might see along the way – not a map – not a video — and the train folks didn’t know anything. I’d ask a question and they’d shrug and say they’d try to find out – but never did. Some ranger-types rode with us from Seattle to Portland and if you were in the sightseeing car, it was very, very interesting. After they got off – nada. Now, I do my research fairly well before a trip – but for a lot of people – a simple map of the route with some explanation would have been great. They could have a video running in the car where kids go down to buy snacks. They had some ancient games and books for people to borrow. It just seems like a lost opportunity to promote rail travel and return patronage. It was totally disappointing. And I might add – pretty pricey. It was about $565 for my daughter and I to go overnight from Seattle to Martinez — a few stops before San Fran. We booked really early and that was lower than I saw it when checking later. Meals are included – but they were just so-so. Seems like all could have been so much better.

We loved Orcas Island and the sea plane ride there from Seattle. It is so special – I couldn’t use my cell phone and didn’t take a computer – so it was gloriously quiet! In fact, we decided it would be a video/TV/cell phone/email free vacation and it was perfect. We took two weeks too – which made a huge difference. I totally unwound – which as a sole-proprietor/single mom I NEVER do.

San Diego was wild for the 4th of July. Unwittingly, we were staying right in the midst of it all at the Bahia Hotel on the bay and near the ocean. Fireworks were spectacular from a barge in the bay. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful display. Of course – we were sitting the beach and they were right in front of us over the water. I usually love San Diego, but after the beauty and calm of the San Juans, the crowds and noise were a bit of a rude awakening. But then I remembered why we were there! We went to Seaworld — disappointing, the Zoo – spectacular, Wild Animal Park – pretty cool, and LegoLand – a lot of fun because it is mostly geared to 10 and under + it was really interesting to see the Lego cities – especially Washington, D.C.! Very neat.

Anyway – this might not fit in to your newsletter – but as my daughter Shana grows, I am hoping she will go on more and more adventures with me and tolerate my need to do things a little differently. If any of your readers have kids and want advice or tips about the places we went – I’m happy to share. We’d also love to hear about good ideas for trips that aren’t too mainstream, but safe. Best of all – we met wonderful – interesting people along the way – many of whom I believe we’ll see again. Last though… I don’t feel a real compunction to travel outside of the U.S. now… Last summer we went to the Tetons and Yellowstone – which was fabulous. Next summer we’re thinking about staying east and making our way up to Maine. There is so much to explore in the good old USA.

Many of my clients have also become my friends over the years and we are lucky to have lots of people to visit wherever we go.

Thanks for your wonderful newsletters – JOTW and Your Very Next Steps.

Susan Laine

*** 2008 Virginia State Duck and Goose Calling Contests August 23-24 in Hampton

The Virginia Waterfowlers' Association (VAWFA) will hold the 2008 VAWFA Virginia State Duck and Goose Calling Contests at the Bass Pro Shops facility in Hampton on August 23 – 24, 2008. The Virginia State Goose Calling Contest is a qualifying contest for the World's Championship Goose Calling Contest to be held in Easton, MD. The Virginia State Junior Goose, Virginia Open Goose and Virginia Open Two Man Goose calling contests will also held on August 23.

On August 24 the VAWFA will hold the Virginia State Duck Calling Contest. This is a sanctioned qualifying contest for the World's Championship Duck Calling Contest held in Stuttgart, Arkansas. The Virginia State Junior Duck, Virginia Open Duck and Virginia Open Two Man Duck calling contests will also held on August 24, 2008.

Contestants for the Virginia State Goose and Duck calling contests must be a Virginia resident and must have attained the age of seventeen years old. Contestants for the Virginia State Junior Goose and Duck calling contests, must also be a Virginia resident and must not have attained the age of seventeen years old. The Virginia Open and Open Two Man calling contests are open to all callers, non residents and Virginia residents of all ages. Winners and second and third placing callers for all contests will be awarded trophies and prizes from sponsors and the VAWFA. Nationally ranked callers from Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey are expected to participate in the calling contests.

VAWFA is an all volunteer 501c3c association dedicated to preserving Virginia waterfowl hunting heritage. Click Here for more information on the Calling Contests. For other VAWFA activities, visit the Virginia Waterfowlers' Association website.

*** Where in the world:

Just curious: where in Wyoming? Kind of a big state, y'know.


Never mind; your follow-up email anticipated my question.

Say hi to Dick Cheney. I'm sure that undisclosed secure location is out there somewhere.


*** Wyoming:

Ned –

I am a YVNS subscriber. I'd rather read it than JOTW, simply because reading JOTW usually means I'm again and/or still looking for work. I've thought of a couple of possible submissions for you based on earlier issues, but they were rather tangental to the topics at hand. I can't claim I've yet had my “best cup of coffee” while traveling, but I certainly can tell about my most memorable cup — and it was NESCAFE' and I usually HATE instant coffee. I can also tell you about a Most Unusual Nude Encounter hiking up Tapeats Creek on the way to Thunder River on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. (Can't recall what exactly the YVNS subject that triggered that recollection.)

I've also thought about a submission on the ultimate vicarious form of travel: grilling foreigners you meet on the street. I'm lucky enough to live in a city where I've met and worked with people from many unlikely places — Ecuador, Tibet, the Ukrainian Carpathians, St. Petersburg — Russia, not Florida, Ghana, Congo, and on and on. The vast majority of them are usually thrilled that I even know where their home countries are, much less show an interest in them. One fellow I met from Hunzai, at the base of the mountain K2 in the far northern Kashmir, even called his family there to let them know he met somebody who knew where his hometown was.

But for now, dialogue about is good. See below!

Joel D. Freeman

Middleton, Wisconsin

(Thanks, Joel, for the intel. I’ll ass to my people already on the ground in Jackson. They respond:

Nice thoughts, but not a problem here; we've already shifted plans and will not be in the area used by the Rainbows, some of whom are still around. And they WERE a problem here, made a hugh mess which the USFS has to pay to clean up, etc.

But we've moved 3 hours drive away and will not be in that area.

Thanks for the intel.


(Joel’s reply)

Too bad about the Rainbow crowd's behavior this year. Not what I expected. I guess being anarchistic in nature (as they are) comes with its own drawbacks. Good luck, have fun and watch out for bears. I hope you'll diarize your trip for either or both newsletters.


(I will talk about the Wyoming trip in both newsletters, with some greater detail and photos in YVNS.)

*** Going to Jackson:

Dear Ned,

My name is Kathy Sanchez of Centreville, VA, and I've been a long-time

grateful reader of JTOW. I just saw on this post that you're off to the

Tetons. If you're going to spend any time at Grand Teton National Park,

my parents are park rangers in the Colter Bay (CB) area. Please let me

know if you'll be stopping by that part so I can make sure you get the

superior service you deserve. Mom heads the visitor's info/permits booth

at CB and Dad's in charge of the GTNP boats in that part of the park.

Hope you have a fabulous trip and if you're still out there in 10 days,

maybe I'll even see you there!



(Tom and I arrive in Jackson on 26 July, and we depart on 2 August. We will not be at the National Park, but at Bridger-Teton National Forest doing service work. Our “:base camp” is Jackson High School. I

expect Tom and I will be out in the back country.

Check this out.

It's the largest conservation service project since World War II.

My question is, can somebody legally fish once or twice without paying

$95 for a non-resident fishing license?)

Dear Ned,

My dad says that there's a daily license available for non-residents that costs $14 per day. He neglected to tell me how to get it, but I put the question to him tonight and hope he'll see it and respond shortly. The program you'll be doing looks really great–I'm sure you and Tom will have a blast.

As for me, I'm going with my two sons (6 and 8 y.o.), and “grandma” and “grandpa” have lots of plans for us, I know. I'm just hoping to get a couple of good hikes in with my dad.



(Kathy offers this follow-up…)

There is a Fish & Game office in Jackson where he could buy one. This is right next to the Jackson Visitor Center. Also the fishing outfitter stores & sporting goods stores in Jackson probably sell fishing licenses.

(How long have your parents worked at Grand Tetons? Are they seasonal rangers? Have you been there before?)

My parents have worked at Grand Teton National Park (GTNP) for 13 years. They're at tha park from early May until late Sept. or early Oct. each year. Mom is a seasonal ranger at the Colter Bay visitor's center, where she started out as a worker bee in the permits office. Now, she heads up that office. Dad is a park service volunteer, not a ranger. He's started out working in the Colter Bay campground, and now is in charge of caring for the park service boats in Colter Bay. He takes rangers and other park service employees to across Jackson Lake whenever the need arises (sometimes several times a day). The reasons for those trips (called “shuttles”) can range from anything as mundane as cleaning the campgrounds, to fighting forest fires, rescuing injured park visitors, or tracking down bears who have gotten into human food or otherwise behaved in a manner dangerous to humans. When he's not busy caring for the boats, dad also volunteers as an ambulance driver for the park''s emergency medical service.

I've been to the park 7 or 8 tiimes, I think. It's one of my favorite places on earth! And it's great fun being able to share it with the kids now. Just being there does wonders for the soul.This time, I'll be there from July 31 – Aug. 7. I'll be happy to compare notes or send a trip report. Let me know if there are any guidelines you want me to follow, or whether I should just write what comes.



(We leave Jackson at 10:13 on Saturday, 2 August, on United. My cell phone is 703 472-8629. If you're in the area to pick up the Sunday paper I'll buy you a cup of coffee.)

*** Take a walk on the wild side:

*** Travel and Outdoor Employment Opportunities:

*** From Pat Valdata:

UMBRIA, ITALY. Caretakers needed: ideal for young at heart retired couple who can speak Italian, to care for property in Umbria, Italy. Gardening, general repairs and maintenance in exchange for accommodations. Potential additional income available when house is occupied. Must have excellent personal and work references. Begin in the Fall of 2008. Please send a letter of introduction by email to or by fax to (310) 454-3062.

I *SO* wish ob and I spoke Italian!


Hancock Field Station Manager, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Fossil, Oregon

Full time, year-round salary positions available with Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Science Outdoor Science Education program. Duties: Provide leadership attention to the daily operations and management of Hancock Field Station, an OMSI Outdoor Science Education facility. Develop and manage residential natural science and natural resource field programs for individual youth and adults, schools, and other groups. Primary responsibility for all on-site aspects of programming, staffing, facilities, safety, content, logistics, expenditure, legality, process, and any other aspects of camps operation to insure a high-quality, safe, and well-functioning entity as per OMSI’s Mission Statement and Core Values.

Hancock Field Station is a remote, residential natural science field camp located within the boundaries of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. It is surrounded by rolling juniper and sagebrush grasslands with a wealth of wildflowers, birds and fossil outcrops. It lies just two miles from the John Day River. It is a prime site for studying ecology, geology, astronomy, paleontology, and cultural history.


Strong leadership and staff management skills. Two or more years on-site supervisory experience in residential field programming. Strong communication skills and presentation skills. Thorough knowledge of learning styles and instructional strategies. Teaching certificate preferred; minimum three years teaching experience required In-depth knowledge of the natural and cultural history of operating site. Graduate degree in Natural Sciences or Education preferred; Bachelor’s Degree required. Demonstrable outdoor program safety and risk management skills. Computer literacy, including word processing and spreadsheet applications. Excellent driving record; able to get CDL license. Able to get Wilderness First Responder, Life Guard Certification.

Job Location:

Hancock Field Station – Fossil Oregon

Application Instructions:

To apply: Please send resume and cover letter to: Human Resources, OMSI, 1945 SE Water Ave. Portland OR. Fax 503 239 7818. Visit for more info.

Application Address:

Application Email:


Salary and Benefits: Salary: $32k, + room and board & benefits.

Cook/Kitchen Manager, Glacier Park Field Camp, The Glacier Institute, Kalispell, MT

Experiential Educator, Joy Outdoor Education Center, Clarksville, OH

Full-time seasonal, educator position for one of SW Ohio’s most respected outdoor education programs. August 11, 2008 – May 29, 2009 (winter holiday TBA) dependant on pre-employment drug screening and background check.

Overall Function:

-Deliver the highest quality experiential education to school groups ranging from 4th grade through 8th grade. Teach Cultural History, Natural History and Adventure Programming.

Summary of Responsibilities:

-Deliver day and evening (2 night per week) programming for clients.

-Receive and stay current on required certifications and verifications.

-Update and implement innovative programming into curriculum.

-Develop and implement personal and professional goals.

-Assist in program procedures such as: non-teaching duties, on call, cabin check, oversee meals.

-Assist in coordinating responsibilities, such as: school visits, site tours, arrival meetings, training, and program evaluations.

-Other duties as assigned.

Please email your resume to

Application Address:

Attn: Nathan Hirt

Joy Outdoor Education Center

10117 Old 3C Hwy

PO Box 157

Clarksville, OH 45113

Application Email:

Application Fax:

(937) 289-3179

Salary and Benefits:

Starting salary $290 per week plus overtime.

Joy pays 80% of optional Health/dental insurance. Workers compensation, and personal leave. Weekend work is available for additional moneys and/or comp time. Single room in on-campus house ($60/week) and meals

Closing Date: 08/23/08

*** Your Very Next Step is a service of the Job of the Week Network LLC

© 2008 The Job of the Week Network LLC

Edward Lundquist, ABC

Editor and Publisher

Your Very Next Step

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

Home office phone: (703) 455-7661

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“Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement; then it becomes a mistress, and then it becomes a master, and then a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster, and fling him out to the public.”

– Winston Churchill

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